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Psychological pressure on Oliver Ivanovic’s associate (Danas, Radio kontakt plus)

The hearing of Silvana Arsovic, long-term secretary and associate of murdered Oliver Ivanovic lasted three and a half hours yesterday in Pristina Special Prosecution, Danas daily reports.  

This is the fifth time that Arsovic, as a suspect within Olvier Ivanovic’s murder investigation, is giving a statement. At the time of Ivanovic’s murder, the surveillance cameras in his political party premises were allegedly switched off, and Kosovo police believes it was Arsovic who switched them off.

“Opposition coalition ‘bothers’ Srpska Lista, we will not give up – Rada Trajkovic says” (N1, KoSSev)

President of European Serb Movement from Kosovo Rada Trajkovic announced a new coalition of Serbian parties and organizations that would take part in the possible extraordinary elections in Kosovo, TV N1 reports. On the other hand, Srpska Lista said it is a plan to destroy the Serbian community from within.

Association: Trajkovic attacks Radojicic and protects Haradinaj (Tanjug)

Association “Kosmetske zrtve” (Kosmet Victims) said it is disgraceful that Rada Trajkovic on a daily basis in domestic and Albanian media without any evidence attacks the leadership of Serbia and Srpska Lista representatives, in particular Milan Radojicic over alleged involvement in the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, Tanjug news agency reported.

According to the Association, by such attacks Rada Trajkovic tries to shift attention of the public from a central subject and it is the crimes against Serbs committed by Haradinaj, Thaci, Veseli and Limaj.

Silvana Arsovic questioned again as suspect in Oliver Ivanovic case, GI SDP protests (KoSSev)

A long-time associate and friend of the assassinated Kosovo Serb politician Oliver Ivanovic, Silvana Arsovic was summoned for questioning as a suspect in the investigation into Ivanovic’s murder for the third time, KoSSev portal reports.

“She is shocked, as she was the previous two times and she will, of course, respond to the summons as she has done so far,“ Ivanovic’s associate and GI SDP councilor, Ksenija Bozovic told KoSSev.

Kosovo prosecution suspects five persons of involvement in murder of Oliver Ivanovic (Radio KIM)

Kosovo prosecution continues investigation of five persons suspected of murder of Oliver Ivanovic, and two of them were already interviewed at the special prosecution, Radio KIM reports.

“The investigation of this case continues. At this moment we can say there are people investigated as suspects. Two of them have been interviewed,” Pristina-based Gazeta Express reported referring to unnamed source.

Djuric: Pristina to respond why it obstructs investigation of Ivanovic’s murder (Danas)

Enver Hoxhaj is part of a general hysteric reaction to the logically posed questions by Belgrade, asked with intention to shed the light on the crime and bring to the justice those who have ordered and carried out the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric said, Danas daily reports.

Vecernje Novosti: ''CIA protege involved in Ivanovic's murder? Suspected of 'NisEkspres' bus explosion" (Serbian media)

Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti today's edition on its front page carries a headline ''Protege of CIA 'a brain' of the Ivanovic's liquidation''. Daily writes that Serbian's authorities have photographs that clarify the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, as well as the name of a person suspected of being a direct perpetrator of the murder.

Hoxhaj: We have no evidence to raise indictment in Ivanovic’s case (RTS)

Kosovo Special Prosecutor Syle Hoxhaj told Pristina-based Lajmi there is not yet evidence to raise the indictment in the case of Oliver Ivanovic’s murder. He noted the process of gathering evidence is still ongoing.

“We still have nothing new, we are conducting investigation, undertaking necessary procedural steps, and that is all. We still did not raise indictment, we are still gathering all evidence for the indictment,” Hoxhaj said.