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Kozarev at the OSCE conference on ethnically motivated attacks on Serbs (RTS)

In the statement of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, the Deputy Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Dusan Kozarev, said at the OSCE Human Dimension Conference in Warsaw that Serbs in Kosovo have been exposed to ethnically-motivated attacks in the past year about 50 times. Kozarev estimates that this is largely due to the failure Pristina to fulfil its obligations in terms of establishing the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), reports Radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

GI SDP: We will not allow Ivanovic’s murder to be forgotten (Radio kontakt plus)

Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP) said yesterday, on the occasion of eight months anniversary of Oliver Ivanovic’s murder, they would not allow his murder to be forgotten, Radio kontakt plus reported.

SDP noted that eight months after the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, there are no official information about the investigation and the equipment taken by the Kosovo police investigative unit have not been returned.

Milena Ivanovic: There is no reason why not to trust president (RTV KIM)

Wife of assassinated leader of Civic Initiative, Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP), Oliver Ivanovic, Milena told RTV KIM she trusts President Vucic who made promise that a street named after Oliver would be the most beautiful in Mitrovica North.

“(…) I think the street named after Oliver would look as it should,” Milena Ivanovic said, adding that she “constantly talks” to the President Vucic about the murder of her husband.

Montenegrin to become cooperating witness in Ivanovic’s murder case? (KIM, Dan,

Mario Milosevic from Podgorica was offered a status of cooperating witness in the case of Oliver Ivanovic murder, portal writes referring to the Podgorica-based daily Dan.

Milosevic was allegedly offered mitigating circumstances if he signs already prepared statement accusing a criminal group made of members from Serbia and Montenegro as responsible for organizing and carrying out Ivanovic’s murder.

Street in Mitrovica North named after Oliver Ivanovic (Tanjug, RTS)

The Mitrovica North Municipal Assembly as per proposal of Srpska Lista adopted decision to rename Nemanjina Street into Oliver Ivanovic Street, RTS reported.

Municipal Assembly Chairperson, Dejan Guresic told Tanjug news agency that Kolasinska Street would also be renamed into Mitrovica Victims Street, to honour all Mitrovica citizens who lost their lives while defending the city.

According to Guresic, one of the most important streets in Mitrovica North, after planned reconstruction, would be named after Stevan Nemanja,

Miroslav Ivanovic: They are still waging war against Oliver (KIM Radio)

Miroslav Ivanovic, brother of assassinated leader of Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice, Oliver Ivanovic said he is disappointed with the decision of the local authorities in Mitrovica North to rename Nemanjina Street into Oliver Ivanovic Street, KIM Radio reports.

“This way, they are politically clashing and waging a war against Oliver,” Miroslav added.

Oliver Ivanovic 'killed for political reasons' (IBNA)

The murder of the Serb politician from Kosovo Oliver Ivanovic was "planned in a professional manner and had political background"; "Oliver was definitely liquidated for political reasons as he was considered an obstacle due to his political views", Ivanovic's brother and Kosovo's Court of Appeal judge, Miroslav Ivanovic said, Independent Balkan News Agency (IBNA) reported.

“Oliver was obstacle to certain dark structures” (B92)

Abbot of Visoki Decani Monastery, Father Sava Janjic said that assassinated leader of Civic Initiative, Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP) Oliver Ivanovic was an obstacle to certain dark structures, B92 reported.

“Let's hope the current unmasking will contribute to learning truth about the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, a man who was an obstacle to certain structures, apparently on both or more sides, for carrying out an ominous scenario in Kosovo this year. Oliver speaks now louder than ever,” Abbot Janjic wrote on social media.