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Mustafa requests inclusiveness on drafting the decree and statute for association (

The government of Kosovo concluded today’s meeting where they stressed that the government would not annul or renegotiate the agreement for Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities.

Thaci: Ruling of the Constitutional Court will be respected (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hashim Thaci, said today during the meeting of the government that the ruling of the Constitutional Court on the constitutionality of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities, will be respected. “We will respect the decision of the Constitutional Court. As foreseen, we will send again the statute and amendments to the Constitutional Court.” He also said that this issue should not be politicized.

The “surprise” (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s front-page editorial notes that the Constitutional Court of Kosovo “surprisingly” rendered as unconstitutional the agreement for the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities, “preventing thus an outbreak of the situation following tensions in the Kosovo Assembly and protests by the opposition”. “The President reacted immediately calling for political dialogue in order to restore normality, but MPs who raised awareness by throwing teargas in assembly sessions, are still in detention or under house arrest.

Quint countries planning to include Kurti and Haradinaj on black list (Lajmi)

Citing well-informed sources, the news site reports that Quint countries, namely the United States of America, France, Germany, United Kingdom and Italy, have decided to undertake firm and joint measures against individuals that are believed to be undermining processes of European integration, most notably the implementation of the agreement on the formation of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities.

Kosovo government: We have not taken any action in regards to Association/Community (Indeksonline)

The government of Kosovo through a press statement reacted to the media reports earlier in the day that the government allegedly did not suspend the work on the implementation of the agreement on Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. “The government has not taken any action in regards to the agreement on Association of Serb-majority municipalities since 30 October 2015 when this agreement was sent to the Constitutional Court for review.

Salihaj: Someone is inciting the opposition with the aim of delaying special court formation! (Gazeta Blic)

Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) MP Adem Salihaj in an interview for the news site argues that the opposition bloc is trying to get to power through popular protests. “There is one question that preoccupies us: are the violent protests and the blockade of institutions aimed at annulling these agreements [the agreement on Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities and the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro] or is there another hidden agenda behind this, such as the downfall of the government and early elections.

AAK: We will use all means to oppose agreements (Indeksonline)

In a statement to the media, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) said that it is final time for the Kosovo leadership to retract agreements on border demarcation with Montenegro and Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. The AAK said that the calling of Assembly sessions at a time when Kosovo is experiencing a deep political crisis is becoming dangerous. The party called on the President of Kosovo Atifete Jahjaga to urgently intervene in resolving the situation.

Constitutional Court to announce ruling on Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities next week (Gazeta Blic)

Citing unnamed international sources, the news site reports that the Constitutional Court will soon announce its ruling on the constitutionality of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. “In a matter of days, the Constitutional Court could announce its ruling on the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. Maybe even next week,” the source said. The source also added that the court will announce the ruling before the eventual recommendation by the European Commission for visa liberalization for Kosovo.

Surroi: No obligation for Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities derives from Ahtisaari Package (Koha)

Publicist Veton Surroi writes on his Facebook account today that no obligation to establish the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities derives from the Ahtisaari Package. “In the capacity of chief negotiator in 2005-2007: Kosovo has not a single obligation from the Ahtisaari Package to establish the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. Kosovo has integrated the rights of non-majority communities (minority rights) in the Constitution of the Republic.

Vetevendosje MP Albin Kurti sends second letter from prison (Gazeta Blic)

The news site reports that Vetevendosje MP Albin Kurti, who was arrested by Kosovo Police on Saturday, has sent a second letter from the High-Security Prison. In his letter Kurti argues that the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities is the next and decisive stage of ruining the state of Kosovo. “The Association is a natural result of the Kosovo Government’s approach. What is the value of Kosovo’s independence if it will be followed by a model similar to that of Bosnia? This government must be stopped.