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RTS: Crisis Staff meeting of the four municipalities in the North at 10 am

In a live broadcast, Radio Television Serbia reports on the announcements of blockades in the town of Rudare in the municipality of Zvecan, closure of the administrative crossing of Jarinje in the municipality of Leposavic, and that the leadership of the municipality of Zubin Potok made a decision on closing all shops from 12 to 13 hours, and to block the Brnjak crossing, as well as the main road in the village of Zupce.

Molotov cocktails thrown at the billboard of the Serbian List (RTS, Kossev, TV Most)

Serbian media reports that last night unknown persons thrown Molotov cocktails at the billboard of the Serbian List in Leposavić.

The incident happened sometime after 9 pm. Perpetrators demolished the billboard, and then at the high speed left the scene, the media reports.

The KPS teams conducted the investigation. There are no injuries and material damage was caused, KoSSev reports.

Shots fired at the office of the mayor of Leposavić/Leposaviq (Danas, KoSSev)

Shots were fired on Monday night about 22 hours on the building of the Center for Social Work in Leposavić/Leposaviq, in which cabinet of the mayor Dragan Jablanović is placed, reports portal

Shots were fired and on offices of the Party of Kosovo Serbs, say Jablanović’s cabinet and announce that the mayor will have emergency press conference at 9 am in the building of Social Work.

Đurić: Roadblocks in Kosovo an attack on the freedom of movement of Serbs (Kontakt plus radio)

Vice President of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) and Director of the Office for KiM Marko Đurić says that the barricades, placed this morning throughout Kosovo, were synchronized and were an organized action, and in fact are an attack on Serbs in Kosovo, their freedom of movement, and their right to elect.

Busses with supporters of SNS stoned and blocked (RTK2, Srna, Blic)

More than 60 buses carrying Serbs that were going for the SNS rally (organized for the the party's candidate Aleksandar Vučić in the Serbian presidental elections) were stopped this morning in several places south of the Ibar.

As daily Blic reports, the provincial committee of the Serbian Progressive Party reported that about 3 000 people have been prevented to go to the rally in Leposavić/Leposaviq.

The request for Jablanović's dismissal adopted in Leposavić/Leposaviq municipality (RTV Mir, Blic)

Councillors of the Leposavić/Leposaviq Municipal Assembly have asked the Ministry of Administration and Local Self-Government to dismiss Mayor Dragan Jablanović.

At the regular meeting of the Assembly was adopted the request for dismissal, which will be sent to the Ministry of Administration and Local Self-Government in Pristina.