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Raskovic Ivic: The division of KiM would lead to the exodus of Serbs living south of the Ibar (Danas)

People's Party Vice President Sanda Raskovic Ivic says that "delineation" with Kosovo Albanians is unconstitutional and that, if that happens, the leaders of the current regime will be responsible when the authority change and that the division of Kosovo leads to the exodus of Serbs living south of the Ibar River.

Milivojevic: Once Vucic reveals plan for Kosovo, SNS rating to go below 40 percent (TV N1)

Authorities are getting ready for early elections, while the opposition pursues campaign of an active boycott. Opposition aims to fight for more equal electoral conditions and then they would consider whether to take part in the election or not, analyst Cvjetin Milivojevic told TV N1, commenting on the recent political situation in Serbia.

On the other side, analyst Dragomir Andjelkovic does not think Serbia is on the verge of an early elections, however it may get there soon. He also noted opposition is now striving to get better starting positions.

Mayor from ruling SNS party detained for attack on journalist in Belgrade (Prva TV, Tanjug, B92)

Veran Matic, chairman of the Commission for Investigating Murders of Journalists, spoke for Prva TV in Belgrade on Monday morning about the arrest of Dragoljub Simonovic.

Dragoljub Simonovic, mayor of Grocka municipality and senior official of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) is suspected of ordering a fire to be started on the property of Milan Jovanovic, a journalist of the local Zig Info website. The arson attack happened on December 12, 2018.

"If the government does not respond - we will block Merdare" (B92, Juzne Vesti)

From the protest in the city of Kursumlija (southern Serbia) was announced that the administrative crossing of Merdare will be blocked, if the Serbian authorities fail to respond to previously submitted requests, reports portal

According to the portal, if that does not happen, next Thursday the administrative crossing with Kosovo will be blocked.

SNS-supported gathering planned for Putin visit to Serbia (Vecernje Novosti, Beta, N1, Danas)

Regional broadcaster N1 reports that “Patriotic forces” supported by the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) are planning to bring more than 70,000 people to the plateau in front of the St Sava Temple in Belgrade to greet Russian President Vladimir Putin on January 17, quoting Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti.

Vucic and his SNS most popular in Serbia, support for EU membership dropping (N1, Beta)

The ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), headed by the country's president as the most popular leader, will have the greatest voters’ support if an early election is held now, while the enthusiasm for the country's EU membership shrinks and Kosovo is "very important" to less than a half of those covered by an opinion poll published on Thursday.

Blic: "Vucic is close to the decision on the elections"

Belgrade based daily Blic reports today that Serbia could have an early parliamentary election in the spring. Blic learns that the president of Serbia and the Serbian Progressive Party, Aleksandar Vucic, has talked with his associates and is getting closer to making such a decision.

Reactions to Srpska Lista waiting for Hahn: “They are shifting the public focus from the arrest of those suspected of killing Oliver Ivanovic” (Kossev)

Srpska Lista MPs have been in the Kosovo Assembly since yesterday waiting for the arrival of European Commissioner Johannes Hahn in order to inform him about Pristina’s „anti-Serb moves“ that are leading toward „a humanitarian catastrophe“ of the Serbian people in Kosovo.

They are protesting against the 100% custom taxes imposed on Serbian products arriving into Kosovo. Hahn does not have an officially scheduled meeting with them.

Campaign against leader of People’s Party Vuk Jeremic, identical to one led against Oliver Ivanovic (KoSSEv)

Serbian Progressive Party deputy, Marko Parezanovic, tweeted in early November, with a photograph of opposition leaders Vuk Jeremic and Slavisa Ristic from Zubin Potok in front of an Orthodox monastery in Kosovo: “I suppose Slavisa (Ristic) explained to him what kind of politics he should be leading, so that he does not meet the same fate as Djindjic,” KoSSev portal reported.

Djuric: Jeremic will never again be able to harm this country (TV Most)

Vice President of the SNS Main Committee and Director of the Office for KiM, Marko Djuric, spoke about statements made today by Vuk Jeremic regarding Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and said that Jeremic proves again that his only program is the program of hatred for Aleksandar Vucic and that he is ready to sacrifice Serbian interests for the realization of his hate program, reports TV Most.