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Division of Kosovo, or distancing from Vucic? (Vesti online)

The new proposal for the solution of the southern Serbian Province, announced recently by the Serbian President Nikolic, the opposition parties see as President’s attempt to differently position himself on the domestic political scene. Former negotiator and head of the parliamentary caucus of the Democratic Party, Borko Stefanovic, believes that Nikolic wants to propose division of Kosovo, or to try to distance from Vucic, who is expected to recognize Kosovo.

Kosovo enters the Council of Europe (Vesti online)

Hashim Thaci arrives tomorrow in Strasbourg where in the capacity of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo he will meet with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjorn Jagland, to discuss the admission of Kosovo in this pan-European organization that brings together 47 countries including Serbia.  The meeting was organized at the request of Pristina, and Thaci will arrive at the Council of Europe accompanied by the Consul of Kosovo in Strasbourg, Edon Cana.

"By all applicable international documents Kosovo is Serbia" (NSPM)

Russian Ambassador in Belgrade, Alexander Chepurin said today that Russia has a sturdy and reliable stance on not recognizing Kosovo, adding that it is a tradition that does not change.

"It is a sturdy and reliable attitude and we have proven it several times," said Chepurin on debate on 'From Kosovo to the Crimea: unilateralism and manipulation in connection with the right to self-determination ".

He added that Russia "here supports Serbs" and will continue to do so.

Strache: You apply double standards for Kosovo and Crimea (Blic)

The leader of the Freedom Party of Austria (FPO), Heinz-Christian Strache, accuses Vice-President of the European Parliament, Ulrike Lunacek with regard to Kosovo. He said that Lunacek applies double standards since she called the EU countries to recognize the independence of that Serbian province. As he said, countries that have not recognized the independence of Kosovo are respecting the international law.

Qeku wants the army, but he needs the Serbs (Blic)

Agim Qeku, Kosovo Minister of Security Forces (KSF) announced a rapid transformation of KSF in the Kosovo Armed Forces, immediately after the inauguration of the new Kosovo parliament. However, the Law can be passed only if two-thirds majority in the parliament as well at least two thirds of the members of minorities support it. Half of minority MPs are Serbs, which means that some of them should vote for the proposal. But, Serbian MPs deny such a possibility.

The regulation on the recognition of diplomas from Kosovo University is adopted (RTK2)

The Serbian government adopted a regulation on the particular mode of recognition of higher education documents and evaluation of study programs of universities in Kosovo, which carry out activities in accordance with the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244.

The university diplomas will first certify the Committee of European academics, which is established by the European University Association. After it, independent expert bodies of the higher education institutions will review diplomas, stated Press office of the Serbian Government.

Unconstitutionality of the Decree on recognition of university diplomas from Kosovo entered into force (Kossev)

"Decree on the particular mode of recognition of higher education documents and evaluation of study programs of universities in the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija, which do not perform the activity according to the regulations of the Republic of Serbia (Official Gazette of RS, No. 16/12), is not in compliance with the Constitution and law," reads the latest Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia.

Dacic: Serbia respects UN principles and goals (Tanjug)

 The Republic of Serbia attaches special importance to the work of the UN as the most important international organisation in the foundation of which it took part and organisation whose goals it fully respects, Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic said on the occasion of the celebration of the Day of the UN in Serbia.

The UN has an irreplaceable role as a universal international organisation committed to preservation of peace and stability in the world, and development of human kind as a whole, Dacic said in the welcoming speech.