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Mihajlovic: The outcome of the talks suits only to the extremists (TV Most)

Director of the Serbian Government Office for Media Relations Milivoje Mihajlovic said that the Brussels talks lack the results, because Pristina side does not need agreement. He added that he expected greater Western pressure on Pristina side, stressing that this outcome of the talks suits only to the extremists, who are a part of the Kosovo political scene.


Instead of a wall, the Hungarian authorities should set ‘Peace Park’ (TV Most)

The new walls in Europe are a disgrace of the cradle of civilization, said the mayor of Mitrovica North, Goran Rakic. "I urge Hungarian authorities to instead of a wall set a ‘Peace Park’ and start to talk with people who have fled their homes because they and their families are physically threatened. We all need now human solidarity, no matter from which continent and city we come", said Rakic commenting the decision of Hungary to erect a fence on the border with Serbia, due to the large influx of illegal migrants.


Djuric: No vehicle insurance fees soon (RTS, Blic, KIM radio, TV Most, Tanjug)

The agreement on vehicle insurance signed in Brussels by representatives of Belgrade and Pristina will considerably facilitate the life of citizens in Kosovo, Director of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) Marko Djuric said.

The agreement was signed late on Tuesday on the margins of the new round of the top-level dialogue which was resumed with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini as the mediator.

Goran Rakic does not want to be in the delegation of Pristina (Danas, TV Most)

Mayor of the northern part of Mitrovica, Goran Rakic does not want to travel to Brussels as a member of Pristina's delegation, in order to agree with the mayor of the southern Mitrovica, Agim Bahtiri about the opening of the bridge over the Ibar/Iber River and asked "why should we discuss in Brussels when we are here in a hundred meters away from each other."

The opening of the bridge and removal of the Peace Park is one of the topics on which the consent should be achieved by the Serbian and Kosovo delegations at the technical level until 23 June.

Hodzic: Soon, aid for maternity ward in Mitrovica (TV Most)

The Head of administration in the municipality Mitrovica North Adriana Hodzic said that the municipal administration today received the required documents, stressing that humanitarian aid for maternity ward of the Health Centre in Mitrovica North will be handed over as soon as possible.  Hadzic stated that procedure will start on Friday, hoping that the realization of the action of delivering humanitarian aid to the maternity ward will happen quickly after.

CI SDP: The most shameful act of EULEX (TV Most)

“Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija lost the confidence in EULEX after ungrounded detentions of Serbs and after many unprofessional moves. The last act when convicted Sami Lushtaku was allowed to attend a football match is the most shameful act in the mandate of EULEX, which is supposed to ensure the Rule of law,” reads the statement of Civic Initiative “Freedom, Democracy, Justice” (SDP).


School in Lipjan/Lipljan stoned (TV Most, Radio Gracanica)

Elementary school Aksić Brothers in Lipjan/Lipljan yesterday for the third time in a month was the target of attackers. The windows of the building were broken.

The School does not work on Mondays, on market day, in order to avoid incidents. The school attends 60 students.

The whole case regarding stoning and breaking of glasses on the building of primary school Brothers Aksić was reported to the Kosovo Police and it remains to be seen whether the perpetrators will be found.

