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Milanka Terzić from Istok in home detention (Kontact plus radio, RTS, Vesti, KIM radio)

The Kosovo Prosecutor's Office ordered Milanka Terzić, a displaced person from Istok, a measure of compulsory reporting to the police, and it allowed her to be in the Pec Patriarchate after being arrested at the Jarinje checkpoint in northern Kosovo, reports Serbian media.

The indictment against Milanka Terzić was filed on February 21st by the Prosecution in Pec because of the suspicion of allegedly committing a war crime.

Molotov cocktails thrown at the billboard of the Serbian List (RTS, Kossev, TV Most)

Serbian media reports that last night unknown persons thrown Molotov cocktails at the billboard of the Serbian List in Leposavić.

The incident happened sometime after 9 pm. Perpetrators demolished the billboard, and then at the high speed left the scene, the media reports.

The KPS teams conducted the investigation. There are no injuries and material damage was caused, KoSSev reports.

Reaction of Kozarev to Hoxhaj statement on humanitarian aid of Russian NGO (Blic, KIM radio, TV Most, Kossev)

Deputy Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Dušan Kozarev today said that that the announced activities in Kosovo by the NGO Russian Humanitarian Mission  only can be criticized by those who do not have the grain of humanity and human rights feelings, reported daily newspapers Blic.

The Serbian list will support the formation of parliamentary bodies (TV Most)

The Serbian List MP Igor Simić told TV Most today that the Serbian List will support the formation of parliamentary bodies. And with regard to further political moves and possible forming of the Government, the decision will be made after consultations with President Vučić and Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić.


Lawyer Jovanka Savić sues British KFOR (RTS, TV Most, Kontakt plus radio, KIM radio)

Lawyer Jovanka Savić tries to invoke the responsibility of the British part of KFOR, for not providing security to citizens in the period when NATO entered Kosovo. She also questions the responsibility of UNMIK and EULEX for inertia in investigating crimes against civilians, RTS reports.

Kozarev: Tahiri shows nervousness about the beginning of internal dialogue (TV Most, Blic)

Deputy Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Dušan Kozarev today assesses in a press release that Pristina's main negotiator Edita Tahiri has done everything in the current course of dialogue with Belgrade that conversations take place in a toxic atmosphere of insults and constant provocations instead they lead towards the reconciliation, TV Most reported.

Štrpce/Shtërpcë: Employees conditionally convicted, ordered to pay Kosovo 150 thousand euros (Kontakt plus radio, KIM radio, TV Most)

Basic Court in Ferizaj / Uroševac sentenced six workers of the Public Company "National Park Šar Planina", which functioned in the system of the Republic of Serbia,  with the conditional sentence of imprisonment and ordered them to pay EUR 150,000   for the offense of devastation of forest.

Joksimović: Brussels eyes on the Balkans (RTS, TV Most)

There is a clear awareness that Serbia is crucial for the progress of the entire region, says Director of the Center for Foreign Policy Aleksandra Joksimović, pointing out that Aleksandar Vučić at a good moment has asked Federica Mogherini to speed up the country's Eurointegration, reported Radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

Joksimović believes that the absence of a European perspective in the Western Balkans can cause crises.

UNHCR: Return of displaced responsibility of all institutions (TV Most, KIM radio)

The Head of UNHCR mission in Kosovo, Narasimha Rao, said that "today we recognize the suffering of all those who had to flee in order to save their lives. Over 65 million people are either refugees or displaced persons.

"In Kosovo, we work together with Kosovo authorities, civil society and others to ensure that those who want to return to their homes can do it safely and with dignity," Rao said.