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Financial Times: Borrell to face five challenges, Kosovo among others (Tanjug, B92)

Future EU Foreign Affairs Chief Josep Borrell to face five challenges on his new post, the issue of Belgrade - Pristina relations, among others, FT reports.

Federica Mogherini's successor, Josep Borrell, will face with the open issues of Iran, Venezuela, China and relations with USA.

"Spanish veteran will face with numerous challenges, starting from Venezuela to the Balkans, in times of EU fading impact", FT reports, adding that tensions between Belgrade and Pristina are rising, despite EU mediation.

Vecernje Novosti: Pristina can not try Pavkovic (Tanjug, B92, Radio kontakt plus)

Pristina cannot initiate court proceeding against former Serbian Army Chief-in-Staff General Nebojsa Pavkovic, Vecernje Novosti daily reported.

The daily said this was a response it received from the Hauge International Criminal Tribunal Mechanism as in line with its Statue no person convicted before the Hague Tribunal may undergo trial for the same offence by any other court.

The daily earlier reported that Pristina plans to seek extradition of Pavkovic from Finland, where he serves 22-year sentence and raise indictment against him for war crimes in Kosovo.

Djuric met Turkish ambassador, discussed situation in Kosovo (RTS)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric met today with the Turkish Ambassador to Serbia Tanju Bilgic and presented to him problems in the supply of the Serbian population in Kosovo with basic life commodities, following Pristina’s decision to impose 100 percent tariffs on goods from central Serbia, RTS reports.

Djuric warned that Pristina still tries to prevent in all possible ways or make difficult supply of the food and medicaments, adding that supply of the population in northern Kosovo thus remains irregular and uncertain.

Vulin: We have deconstructed yet another Pristina’s lie (RTS)

Serbian Minister of Defense Aleksandar Vulin reacted to a ban to visit Kosovo along with a military medical delegation saying it is yet another evidence that Ramush Haradinaj was lying, RTS reports.

“I would recall that he told our Prime Minister it is not true that officials of the Republic of Serbia are banned to visit Kosovo and Metohija. We have deconstructed yet another lie and yet another violation of all the agreements were displayed,” Vulin said.

President Vucic announced investments in Serb areas in Kosovo (RTS, RTV KIM)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced on Instagram “Future of Serbia” account investments of RSD 9.5 billion in Serb areas in Metohija and Pomoravlje, RTS reported.

“With the investment cycle of RSD 9.5 billion we want to change the lives of people,” President Vucic wrote.

“We want to see progress everywhere. We can do it because we have money. Everything would remain empty talks if we did not manage to regulate public finances through difficult reforms,” he added.

Belgrade supports opening of EU talks with Skopje and Tirana, PM Brnabic said (BETA, TV N1)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic called on the European Union to open accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania as soon as possible since, as she said, that was crucially important for the Western Balkans, BETA news agency reported.

Brnabic underlined Serbia’s “full and unreserved” support of its neighbors’ European integration.

Brnabic: Tensions with Sofia ended (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Prime Minister said a full stop is put on the misunderstandings over the statement of Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov regarding Kosovo independence, B92 reports.

She added Bulgaria is a great partner of Serbia, noting there is no need for tensions and estranged relations between the two states. Serbian PM Brnabic also appeared alongside Bulgarian PM Borissov before the journalists after the plenary session of SEECP.

Journalists were also interested to hear if PM Borissov has something to add, and he said briefly – full stop, full stop.

Brnabic responded to Meta: We will not be provoked, SEECP does not recognize Kosovo (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic reacted to Albanian President Ilir Meta's speech at South-East European Cooperation Process Summit in Jahorina saying that SEECP doesn't recognize Kosovo, adding that there is no room for provocations, B92 reports.

"Kosovo - focal point of instability in the region" (Tanjug, B92, La Repubblica)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic stated for Italian daily "la Repubblica" that "Kosovo presents focal point of instability in the Balkan region," B92 reports.

Dacic added that Belgrade "put up great efforts into the dialogue while Pristina constantly undermines it", pointing out that "Pristina's authorities do not want compromise".

Macron comes to Serbia directly from Russia, taking over the role of mediator? (Blic, Tanjug, B92)

Despite his standpoint against EU expansion, French President Emmanuel Macron comes to Belgrade with a message that France supports Serbia's EU integration.

This is according to Belgrade-based newspaper Blic that further said President Macron will pass on to the President of Serbia that France supports Serbia in resolving an open conflict with Kosovo Albanians. In this context, daily states that Macron's relations towards Pristina's representatives had changed, stressing that this change of course of French President in favor of Serbia is novelty.