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Fatherland Movement: Participation in elections in north of Kosovo contrary to Serbian Constitution (BETA, Danas)

National Movement Fatherland from Kosovo and Metohija, headed by Slavisa Ristic, urged all Serbs in the north of Kosovo to boycott mayoral elections in the four northern municipalities, BETA news agency reported.

“By taking part in these elections the Serbs as people are only legalizing and legitimizing yet another Albanian state in the Balkans. This way they are moving away from their motherland Serbia,” the press statement said.

Vucic, Thaci expect nothing; meeting may have different goal (Vecernje Novosti, Srpski Telegraf, B92, Tanjug)

Another motive may be hiding behind the German-French invitation to Serb and Albanian leaders to gather in Berlin under the slogan of cooperation in the region. This motive could be, according to media reports, to exert pressure on Belgrade to agree to continue the dialogue with Pristina, without Pristina abolishing its tariffs on Serbian products first.

MP and journalist Lazanski to become Serbia's new ambassador to Russia (Vecernje Novosti, B92)

Serbia's new ambassador to Russia will be Miroslav Lazanski, a member of the Serbian National Assembly from the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), and a military commentator.

The proposal to name Lazanski as the head of our embassy in Moscow was adopted at a government session last week, Vecernje Novosti daily reported.

Lazanski will be replacing Slavenko Terzic, who's four-year term as ambassador expired back in 2017.

Serbs go for elections, so Albanians would not take over control of north (Serbian media)

Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija have made the decision to participate in the forthcoming mayoral elections in the northern Kosovo municipalities, Serbian media report.

This was stated after the meeting of the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and political representatives of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija. As it was announced, the decision was taken to prevent Albanians take over control of the north in Kosovo and Metohija by 0.1 or 1 percent (of votes).

Vucic: We respect sovereignty of others; you do the same (Tanjug, B92)

President Aleksandar Vucic has said that Serbia respects the territorial integrity of all countries in the region and has no claims towards any territory. Therefore, Vucic said, speaking in Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) on Tuesday, he expects other countries to act in the same way.

Vucic also pointed out that those politicians who think the territorial integrity of Serbia can be violated, and that it was possible to only damage Serbia are mistaken.

Serbian opposition leader filed criminal charges against Minister of Defence (Danas, BETA, TV N1)

Chairman of the opposition Alliance for Serbia (SzS) and leader of Dveri Movement Bosko Obradovic said on Tuesday he had filed criminal charges against Minister of Defense, Aleksandar Vulin because of his statement that Serbs and Albanians should delimitate. Obradovic considers that such statement violates the Constitution and Serbian laws, BETA news agency reported.

“This way territorial unity of our state is endangered, while the occupation and fake state of Kosovo are recognized,” Obradovic said.

Thaci calls elections, Belgrade silent - what does it mean? (BETA, Tanjug, Prva TV, TV Most, B92)

Hashim Thaci on Monday called elections for mayors of four Serb municipalities in northern Kosovo and Metohija. For now, Serbia has not reacted, while the Serb List expects consultations with the President Aleksandar Vucic tomorrow, Serbian media report.

Journalist Milivoje Mihajlovic thinks that by calling these elections, Thaci expects this to cause unrest - a spiral of protests and violence in the north of the southern Serbian province.

EU might lose Serbia because of Russia and China – diplomats (Danas)

Sooner or later the EU must accept Serbia and other Western Balkans states as its members, since it is the only way to “preserve” these countries from the influence of other stakeholders, foremost Russia and China, diplomatic sources unofficially told Belgrade-based daily Danas.

They noted “the enlargement is the only tool at the Union’s disposal when it comes to the Balkans,” although it remains completely uncertain if 2025 would be a year of Serbia’s and Montenegro’s accession to the EU.

FM Dacic reacts to "evil in store for Serbs in Kosovo" article (Tanjug, B92)

Serbia has been pointing out to a real problem of Pristina possibly resorting to a military conquest of the north of Kosovo. This coincides with Pristina starting to apply some unreasonable decisions, Foreign Affairs Minister and First Deputy PM Ivica Dacic said, Tanjug news agency reports.

Bosnian Serb leader redraws borders across the Balkans, causes fierce reactions (N1)

Bosnian Serb leader and tripartite Presidency Chairman, Milorad Dodik, redrew the borders between Bosnia and Serbia, saying that some kind of integration between Serbia, Bosnia’s Republika Srpska (RS) entity and what he said is a Serb-dominated part of Montenegro must happen in the future.

“I know it won’t happen right now, but I'm sure it will happen in this century. One doesn’t have to be a genius to know that conditions will be met for this. This is our political wish,” Dodik told the Serbian portal.