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Vejvoda: Exchange of territories could be realistic solution for Kosovo (Novi Magazin, Kontakt plus radio)

European Project Director at Vienna Institute for Human Sciences, Ivan Vejvoda, said that exchange of territories, Presevo valley for the north of Kosovo, could be a realistic solution if Belgrade and Pristinta would agree to that, and get support from the international community, UN, EU, USA, Russia and other permanent UN SC members, Novi Magazin reported.

Vejvoda, said that this idea now comes from Kosovo, and it was one of the three or four scenarios proposed by the assassinated Serbian Prime Minister, Zoran Djindjic.

If I'm so small - why are you so upset, Dacic asks Pacolli (Tanjug, B92)

Foreign Minister late on Thursday assessed that Kosovo Foreign Minister Behgjet Pacolli was acting "a little nervous."

The reason, Dacic said, was that not everything was going according to plan for Pristina.

"I get him - it's not really going as they have planned, as they have been promised, and as they have paid for. That's why they're saying stupidities and lies - that I said I would 'destroy the recognition of Kosovo', that the whole world is against Serbia and that we are destructive," Dacic told Tanjug, reacting to Pacolli's message posted on Facebook.

Serb suspected of committing war crimes arrested in Brnjak (Kontakt plus radio)

Kosovo police stated today that a Serb, suspected of committing war crimes was arrested at the crossing point Brnjak on Wednesday, Kontakt plus radio reported.

According to the Kosovo police he was arrested based on a warrant from Kosovo court.

Arrested Serb with initials T.D. originally is from Prizren, currently residing in Montenegro, Kontakt plus radio reported.


Šoltes: No visa liberalization without ratification of border demarcation (European Western Balkans)

Interview with Igor Šoltes, member of the European Parliament (Slovenia, Greens/EFA) and the newly appointed European Parliament rapporteur on Kosovo was published on the European Western Balkans portal today.

European Western Balkans: You have recently been appointed as the European Parliament standing rapporteur on Kosovo. What do you see as the most important current obstacles on Kosovo’s EU path?

Jevtic: To establish ASM as agreed (KIM Radio)

Kosovo Minister for Communities and Returns said in a meeting with the Slovenian Ambassador in Pristina, Bojan Bertoncelj that concrete steps are missing in resolving the minority issues, among them the most important is the establishment of the Association of Serb Municipalities (ASM), KIM Radio reported.

“The beginning of the establishment of the ASM opens a door to continue dialogue in Brussels, and we expect the ASM to be established as it was agreed in Brussels,” Jevtic further said.

Dacic: List of 114 countries that recognized Kosovo is false (Tanjug, B92)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has expressed his belief that the list of countries that recognized Kosovo would ultimately fall to under 100, Serbian media reported.

He assessed that Guinea-Bissau's revocation of a decision to recognize Kosovo's unilaterally declared independence, indicated that (Pristina's) list of 114 countries that recognized Kosovo was "a lie."

FM Dacic explains why he won't receive Ukraine's ambassador (B92, Tanjug)

The Serbian Foreign Ministry (MFA) said on Tuesday it remained committed to overcoming disagreements and enhancing bilateral relations with Ukraine.

This comes despite the insistence by Ukraine's ambassador to Belgrade on the stance that Russia is using Serbia to create chaos and provoke a war in the Balkans, Tanjug reported, citing a press release issued by the MFA.

Feith: No indictment against top-level Kosovo criminals a failure of the EU [EWB Interview]

Interview with Pieter Feith, Dutch diplomat and the former European Union Special Representative in Kosovo (2008-2011) and the International Civilian Representative for Kosovo (2008-2012) was published today on the European Western Balkans portal.

The interview was conducted at the Belgrade Security Forum 2017, which took place from 11 to 13 October, 2017, and Peter Feith was the speaker on the panel “The EU as a Civil-Military Crisis Manager”.

"Serbia will not recognize Kosovo in order to join EU" (Tanjug, B92)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said Serbia will not recognize Kosovo for the sake of joining the EU, Serbian media reported.

Speaking in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he will attend today the naming of one of the city's squares after the Republic of Serbia, Dacic added that full membership in the EU Serbia’s absolute foreign policy priority.

Political Pressures Taking Toll on Kosovo Journalists: Report (Balkan Insight

Some media owners are using their outlets for political ends, Kosovo’s public broadcaster has been subjected to political interference, while working conditions for journalists remain poor, a new report says.

Freedom of the media in Kosovo is increasingly being threatened by political pressures which include direct interference by politicians, according to a study entitled ‘Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety’ which was published on Monday by the Association of Journalists of Kosovo.