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"Serbia does not want unification with RS" - Vucic's cabinet (B92, Danas, N1)

Serbia does not want to unify with the Republika Srpska (RS), the Belgrade-based daily Danas says was told by President Aleksandar Vucic's cabinet.

Vucic's cabinet said this when asked about RS President Milorad Dodik's map, drawn during his interview for DW, which showed his vision of the map of the Western Balkans.

In it, the Serb entity in Bosnia-Herzegovina joins Serbia, together with the north of a partitioned Kosovo.

Djuric: Serbs in Kosovo realized salvation is in unity (RTS)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo Director, Marko Djuric said for the RTS morning news edition that the victory of the Srpska Litsa is a good foundation for the struggle to further improve the position of Serbs in Kosovo.

Djuric added that Srpska Lista won in 10 municipalities, LDK in 8, AAK in 7 and Self-determination in 5, RTS reported.

He also said that Serbs in Kosovo managed to pull together and respond to the call of their state and president Aleksandar Vucic.

To establish commission to investigate murdered and missing journalists (UNS, KIM Radio, RTV Puls)

“It is necessary to establish a commission that would deal with investigations of missing and murdered journalists in Kosovo, the President of the Association of Journalists of Serbia in Kosovo, Budimir Nicic said at the roundtable on the freedom of the media and safety of journalists, RTV Puls reported.

Nicic reminded participants of the roundtable, organized in Pristina yesterday that Serbia and Montenegro have established such commissions and they yield results, while certain court proceedings were launched thanks to that results.

Week of CEFTA in Belgrade: Kosovo to take over chairmanship (KoSSev portal)

The week of CEFTA starts today in Belgrade, while Kosovo is expected to take over the chairmanship from Serbia in the CEFTA Secretariat meeting, KoSSev portal reports today.

Deputy President of the Government of Serbia and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Rasic Ljajic will open the week of CEFTA that would last till 23 November.

Creation of a regional economic area and harmonization of CEFTA market would be the focus of the event, KoSSev further reported.

Haradinaj: New chapter of cooperation with the U.S. confirmed (RTK)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj, said today at the Millennium Challenge in Kosovo conference, that a new chapter of cooperation with the United States of America is being confirmed.

Speaking about this foundation, Haradinaj said it is important Kosovo gains aid from the U.S., and pledged to fight corruption and organized crime in order for Kosovo to profit more of this kind of financial aids.

Dodik: If Serbia accepted the separation of Kosovo and we would be separated (DW, RTS, Blic, N1, Dnevnik, TV Most)

Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik said that the policy of preserving territorial integrity, represented by Serbia, is an obstacle to the separation of Republika Srpska.

"If Serbia, in that moment, has said that it was OK, when Kosovo seceded, we would have been already separated," Dodik said in an interview with Deutsche Welle.

If Belgrade decides to recognize Kosovo's independence, Dodik says, he would not object, but it would mean that the Republika Srpska could be independent.

Opposition Parties Make Gains in Kosovo Election Run-offs (Balkan Insight)

The opposition Vetevendosje party and the Democratic League of Kosovo, LDK, both had cause to celebrate as the results came in from the second round of local elections - as did the Prime Minister's party.

Preliminary results from Kosovo's Central Election Commission, CEC, held good news for the opposition Vetevendosje party and the Democratic League of Kosovo, LDK - and for the governing Alliance of the Future of Kosovo, AAK. It was bad night for the Democratic Party of Kosovo, PDK.

Serbian minister: EU won't be forcing us to recognize Kosovo (B92, Beta)

Minister of EU Integration Jadranka Joksimovic says Serbia "will not be conditioned by recognizing Kosovo in order to become a member of the EU."

Reacting to President Aleksandar Vucic's statement that the EU will ask Serbia to sign a legally binding document on normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, Joksimovic said that this does not mean recognizing Kosovo.

Kozarev and Melzer on establishing the rule of law in Kosovo (RTK2)

Deputy Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Dusan Kozarev met today Nils Melzer, the Special Rapporteur of the UN Human Rights Council on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, reports RTK2.

During the meeting, Melzer was informed about the violations of the human rights of Serbs and other non-Albanians in Kosovo. Melzer is in the process of preparing a report for the UN Human Rights Council and is on a several-day visit to Serbia, reports RTK2.