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Vucic: We can't join EU without binding document with Pristina (Tanjug, B92)

The EU "will not allow Serbia to become a full member without a legally binding document at the end of the process of normalizing relations with Pristina," Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told Tanjug.

"You need to carry out a normalization of the situation, as they put it," Vucic said and added that, "whatever the interpretation that is what the EU expects".

Serbia can be neutral, and be our partner - NATO chief (Tanjug, B92, Danas)

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg says that transformation of the Kosovo Security Forces can be done only in accordance with the Constitution, Serbian media reported.

Stoltenberg told a joint news conference with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Brussels yesterday afternoon that he "clearly stated his position" on this issue "many, many times."

Kosovo Braces for Security Challenge of Returning Fighters (BIRN)

A draft strategy developed by the government says fighters coming back from the Middle East, as Islamic State collapses, pose the next major challenge to the country's security.

The Kosovo government’s new National Strategy against Terrorism and Action Plan 2018-2022 says fighters returning from conflict zones in the Middle East, as the so-called Islamic State, ISIS, collapses, are the next challenge in the country’s battle against the threat of terrorism.

"We should cooperate with NATO because of Serbs in Kosovo" (B92, Tanjug, TV Pink)

Serbia needs cooperation with NATO for the sake of security of Serbs in Kosovo, says Miroslav Lazanski, Serbian media reported.

This member of the Serbian Assembly from the ruling SNS and Politika daily columnist stressed that he was "yet to see a single statement, including from NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg, about Serbia having to join NATO."

"Republic of Kosovo' project is obviously failing" (B92, Tanjug)

Russian and Chinese ambassadors spoke in favor of continuing the UNMIK mission in Kosovo, during Tuesday's UN Security Council session dedicated to its work.

At the same time, representatives of France, Great Britain and the United States called for it be abolished.

Russia's Ambassador Vasily Nebenzya said Moscow disagrees with the "very optimistic assessment" presented during the meeting by the Kosovo ambassador to the United States.

"Belgrade seeking compromise, Pristina ignoring obligations" (B92)

Ivica Dacic says UNMIK’s presence in Kosovo and Metohija in an undiminished scope is of vital importance for stability and security in the province.

The following is the Serbian first deputy PM and foreign minister's full speech delivered at the United Nations Security Council session in New York on Tuesday dedicated to the work of UNMIK, as published by the Serbian government.

Srpska Lista to freeze communication with Hashim Thaci (RTS)

RTS reports Srpska Lista sent a letter to the Kosovo President Hashim Thaci, saying that his politics, in the segments related to the position of Serbs in Kosovo, is anti-constitutional, anti-legal and to the detriment of the Serb population.

Therefore, as Srpska Lista announced they would freeze any form of communication with Hashim Thaci. The List also protests because Hashim Thaci, who signed the Brussels agreement, did nothing to establish the Community of the Serb Municipalities in line with the signed agreement, RTS reported.

Djuric: Enable SOC access to its holy shrines in Kosovo (Tanjug, TV Pink, RTV Puls)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo Director, Marko Djuric, commenting on the decision of the Court of Appeals in Pristina to uphold the right of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) over the land, where the Christ the Savior Temple is located, said it is good that the SOC at least got a paper confirming the ownership over the property, but that SOC should be enabled access to its holy shrines in Kosovo.

Djuric also assessed the court decision as “justice victory,” Serbian media reported.

"Izetbegovic's statement was dangerous provocation" (B92, BETA, Politika, Tanjug, TV Pink)

Bakir Izetbegovic saying that he hopes Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) will recognize Kosovo represented "a dangerous provocation."

This is according to former US Ambassador to Serbia William Montgomery.

Montgomery added that he "hoped the international community will react strongly and condemn this statement."

UN Security Council to discuss situation in Kosovo tomorrow (Lajmi/RTK)

Situation in Kosovo will be the focus of tomorrow’s meeting of the UN Security Council where the member states will discuss the most recent report of the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, covering the period from 16 July to 15 October.  Serbia will be represented at the session by Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic whereas the UN SG’s report will be presented by his Special Representative, Zahir Tanin.