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Dacic travels to NYC for UN Security Council Kosovo session (B92)

Serbian First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister, Ivica Dacic will represent Serbia at a UN Security Council session dedicated to Kosovo tomorrow, Serbian media reported.

The meeting at the UN headquarters in New York will consider the UN secretary-general's latest report on the work of the UN Mission (UNMIK) in Kosovo, covering the period between July 16 and October 15, 2017.

According to the Serbian Government, Dacic will speak about the report, "and present Serbia's assessment of the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and UNMIK's activity".

What “hampers” continuation of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (TV N1, Novosti)

Stalemate in the Brussels dialogue lasts for four and a half months now, TV N1 reported last night. There are no official information neither from Brussels nor from Belgrade or Pristina when the next meeting could take place.

While Belgrade insists that the establishment of the Association of the Serb Municipalities should begin before the new round of negotiations, Pristina is requesting that the Brussels dialogue has a clear time limitation.

The Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue is Just ‘Lose-lose’ (Balkan Insight)

By: Haki Abazi

Both countries, and both people, stand to lose out in the long term from a ‘dialogue’ that has never advanced beyond leaders shaking hands and photops in Brussels.

In the international school of diplomacy, dialogue and negotiations are approached from a “win-win” theory.

However, despite the terrible wars and conflicts that the Balkans have experienced, the EU has not learned any such lessons about or from the region.

Judiciary in the north ready to work with Kosovo laws (RFE)

Radio Free Europe reports that after more than two years since being signed, the justice agreement between Pristina and Belgrade is finally beginning to be implemented in the north of Kosovo. This is hoped will end the activity of parallel courts in the northern municipalities which until now worked based on Serbia’s legislation.

Vucic: "A clear intention of the Albanian factor to weaken the position of the Serbian List" (Serbian media)

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic told reporters during a visit to the construction site of the Belgrade-Waterfront Gallery that next week the SNS should adopt a position on calling parliamentary elections along with the Belgrade ones.

Vucic also stated that the intention of the Albanian factor and the part of the international community was clear to weaken the position of the Serbian List and Serbia in Kosovo, and that he expects this pressure to continue, reported the Serbian media.

In North Mitrovica declared an epidemic; the number of people suffering from measles in Kosovo grows (TV Most)

In northern Mitrovica, the number of people suffering from measles is growing, and the epidemic has been declared, reports TV Most.

Since last week, the number of patients, according to the data from the infectious department, has risen from 14 to over 70 people.

We have "big hole" in diplomatic relations – FM (B92, TV Pink)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic thinks Serbia has a "big hole in diplomatic relations, because it underestimates some countries" - that are her friends.

Speaking for TV Pink, Dacic said this concerns those countries to whom "(Yugoslav president) Tito still means something," and who have "great positive memories from past relations with Yugoslavia."

"If you never go to Bangladesh in 20 years, then they lose the understanding that some issues are important for you," the minister said.

Hoyt Yee: We hope for a faster normalization of the relationship between Serbia and Kosovo (VOA)

Voice of America (VOA) in Serbian language writes that two weeks after the visit of the High State Department official Hoyt Bryan Yee to Belgrade - his encounters and messages are still being talked about. Especially one that Serbia should not sit on two chairs. The American diplomat explained at a gathering on the Balkans, held in Washington, what he meant when he said that, Voice of America reports.

Threat to Quit CEFTA Stirs Debate in Kosovo (Balkan Insight)

As Kosovo’s government mulls withdrawing from CEFTA, citing its unequal treatment, economists warn that a halt to regional free trade will result in price rises.

Kosovo’s recent announcement that it may withdraw from the Central European Free Trade Agreement, CEFTA, due to what it sees as its unequal treatment, has triggered a lively argument about this plan and its possible consequences.

B92: Text of statement given by Serb judges in Kosovo (Serbian media)

Member of the Kosovo Assembly Korab Sejdiu has published the text of a statement recently made before President Hashim Thaci by Serb judges and prosecutors.

N1 first reported that Sejdiu received the signed statements from the Presidency of Kosovo, after filing an official request.