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Odalović: I expect different U.S. stance on Pristina's UNESCO bid (Blic, RTS, B92)

A Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs state secretary says he expects the new U.S. administration to have "a different stance" on Kosovo's admission to UNESCO.

"I believe that with the new (U.S.) administration the situation will be different, that there will no longer be such aggressive pressure, as was probably on the agenda of the previous administration," Veljko Odalovic told the Serbian state broadcaster RTS.

The people who are recruiting fighters for Syria are the problem (N1)

Kosovo police, in cooperation with the Kosovo Intelligence Agency prevented planned terrorist attacks in Kosovo and the region. Target of the attack were footballers, and supporters of Israel during a match in Albania. Miloš Popović from the Belgrade Centre for Security Policy says the objective of the arrested group is transnational because of connections with IS and the target of the attack shows it.

"Russia could give up on Kosovo if West recognizes Crimea" (B92)

Ukraine's Ambassador Oleksandr Aleksandrovych has told the Belgrade-based daily Blic that his country's position not to recognize Kosovo remains unchanged.

However, he voiced his suspicion that Russia - which also does not recognize the unilateral declaration of this Serbian province's independence - might "renounce Kosovo" in case the West "recognizes Crimea."

The Serb convicts were transferred to Podujevo/Podujevë under the international pressure (Politika)

The transfer of the four Serb convicts, who on Saturday by the decision of the Minister of Justice Dhurata Hoxha, from the prison in Mitrovica were transferred to the high security prison near by Podujevo/Podujevë, was made "under pressure from the international community," says Nusret Hoxha for Politika, a Deputy Minister of Justice in the Kosovo government.

Tahiri: Deadline for implementation of reciprocity agreement on license plates, is due today (media)

Edita Tahiri, Kosovo’s Minister without portfolio engaged in the dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade in Brussels, told Radio Free Europe today that due to the administrative delays, Kosovo authorities did not manage to start with the implementation of the agreement for full reciprocity on the license plates between Kosovo and Serbia and remove the so-called “proba” license plates which were implemented unilaterally by the Serbian party since 2011. According to her, today is the due date for implementation of the agreement. “It did not start yet.

Guatemala thanked for supporting Serbia on Kosovo (B92)

First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic received on Thursday in Belgrade Guatemala's Foreign Minister Carlos Raul Morales Moscoso.

During the talks it was noted that, despite the existence of bilateral and friendly relations, the cooperation in economic, cultural and educational areas lag behind the real possibilities of the two countries, the Serbian government said.

Kukan: The document on recognition of Kosovo does not exist (RTS)

There is no official document of the European Union which insists that Serbia must recognize Kosovo's independence, said the chairman of the Delegation to the EU-Serbia Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee of the EU Parliament Eduard Kukan.

Kukan says that the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is very important and the European Parliament very seriously understands this dialogue.

TI warns of failing corruption fight in the Western Balkans (Klan Kosova)

The fight against corruption in the Western Balkans and Turkey is failing, putting European Union accession at risk, highlights Transparency International in its latest report. Political elites have too much power and there are limited ways to hold the corrupt to account, the report further stated.

Ciolos: We are supporting Serbia on EU path (media)

Romania recognises Serbia's progress on the path toward the EU and it will continue to support that process, says Romanian PM Dacian Ciolos, noting that his country's position on Kosovo was unchanged.

In an interview to Tanjug ahead of Thursday's meeting with Serbian PM Aleksandar Vucic in Timisoara, Ciolos said that, from the very beginning of Serbia's EU integration process, Romania had been one of the strongest and most vocal supporters of Serbia's European prospects.