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Meetings between officials of Belgrade and Pristina by the established method (Večernje Novosti)

Meeting between delegations of Chamber of Commerce of Serbia and Kosovo with Hashim Taçi and the announcement of the arrival of entrepreneurs and lower-ranking political representatives from Kosovo to Belgrade and Niš, announces a new stage in relations between Belgrade and Pristina.

Business cannot wait, Cadez says in Kosovo (Tanjug)

Kosovo President Hasim Taci supports the dialogue between the chambers of commerce of Serbia and Kosovo to enable better use of potentials for economic cooperation in the territory, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia Marko Cadez said Friday after officials of the two institutions met with Taci in Pristina.

Cadez said he and Kosovo Chamber of Commerce President Safet Grdzaliju had for two years been trying to establish more concrete cooperation between the two business communities.

Kosovo sends accused ex-priest Lawrence Soper back to UK (BBC)

A former Roman Catholic priest accused of historical sex offences has been returned to the UK from Kosovo after a five-year police hunt.

Lawrence Soper, 72, was officially arrested as he arrived at Luton Airport on Sunday on suspicion of nine charges of sexual offences allegedly committed over a period from 1972 to 1986.

Mr Soper had been detained in May under a European Arrest Warrant in Kosovo.


Permanent traffic ban and permanent check point at Mitrovica bridge (TVMost))

Commenting on the anxieties of the citizens of northern Mitrovica regarding the future opening of the bridge, Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić informed TV Most that “King Peter Street in Mitrovica will be fully closed for traffic and transformed into a modern pedestrian zone, like Knez Mihailova in Belgrade […] and will literally be fully closed from any direction from South Mitrovica and be even more visible than it was in earlier periods. From the bridge, it will only be possible to turn to the Bosniak Mahala and to Suvi Do.

U.S. Vice President Biden on visit to Kosovo (media)

Several media are covering United States Vice President Joe Biden's post on Facebook about his recent visit to Kosovo. Biden wrote: "In 2001 and 2002, my son Beau served our U.S. Department of Justice abroad by helping train judges and prosecutors in Kosovo as it began to overcome the war and war crimes committed there over the previous decades. And this week, my family and I had the honor to stand alongside the people of Kosovo as they named a highway between two of their great cities in Beau's honor. Beau had volunteered to be one of the U.S.


Biden Warns Kosovo of the 'Cancer' of Corruption (VOA)

Vice President Joe Biden warned the Kosovar government Wednesday of the "cancer" of corruption, during his first visit to the Balkans since 2009.

"I'm here today to affirm the United States is going to continue to stand with the people of Kosovo on your journey to become a prosperous, peaceful and multi-ethnic democracy," he told reporters.

He underscored, though, the dangers of corruption — what he called "a cancer that eats at the fabric of every society where it exists. In short, it jeopardizes everything Kosovo hopes to achieve, hopes to become, hopes for its future."

Kosovo's success is overwhelmingly in US interest - Biden (Euronews)

The US Vice President has praised the independence of Kosovo during a political and personal visit to the Balkan country.

On a visit to Pristina, Joe Biden also pushed for ties to be mended with Belgrade.

“Your success is overwhelmingly in the interest of my country. Overwhelmingly,” Biden said. “For if you succeed, the region will succeed.”

Biden also urged Kosovo and Serbia to normalise relations, a condition for both countries to join the EU.

Vetëvendosje calls for popular protest against demarcation on September 1 (media)

Vetëvendosje leader Visar Ymeri told a press conference in Pristina today that a popular protest will be held on September 1 in Pristina to reject the border-demarcation agreement with Montenegro. “The Kosovo Government is working against the interests of the people and the state. If this agreement is implemented, Kosovo will lose its precious peaks, springs and other wealth. Those that have seized the state are trying to push forward this agreement.