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Appeal filed with CAS over UEFA decision to admit Kosovo (Tanjug)

The Football Association of Serbia (FSS) has filed an appeal with the Lausanne-based Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) over a decision by the European football's governing body UEFA to admit the Football Association of Kosovo as its member despite the fact that it does not meet the requirements set out in the UEFA statute.

Kosovo might become first state under NATO control (InSerbia)

The US has been actively lobbying the idea of Kosovo joining NATO’s Partnership for Peace program. Kosovo’s president Hashim Thaci, who after a visit to the United States last year said that Washington approved the idea of establishing a Kosovo army operating under NATO, might now be happy about the new developments.

Marić: Further delay of creation of A/CSM unacceptable (Tanjug)

Kosovo Minister for Local Government Administration Ljubomir Marić said on Tuesday that all requests that sought delay of the establishment of Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities (ZSO) are unacceptable.

Marić told Tanjug that he expects the part of the Brussels agreement, relevant to the creation of the A/CSM, to be implemented without further delay, that is, the statute to be drafted and approved, and constitutive session of the A/CSM convened soon after.


Fajon announces ambitious visa liberalisation plan for Kosovo (RTK)

The first debate at the European Parliament on the proposal of the European Commission for granting visa liberalisation for Kosovo is expected to take place this Thursday. Even though the majority of European Parliament members support the view of lifting visa requirements for the people of Kosovo, the voting procedure could extend beyond summer. The newly-appointed European Parliament rapporteur for the visa liberalization for Kosovo, Tanja Fajon, said she has an ambitious visa liberalisation plan.

"We will respect the procedures in the case of Kosovo" (Danas)

The Foreign policy of Estonia will not change when it comes to Kosovo, while chairing the Council of Europe.

We have no specific focus on the subjects that concern Kosovo, but if Kosovo decides to start with the application process for the membership in the CoE, we shall treat this candidacy in accordance with the CoE procedures, told Danas, the Estonian Foreign ministry, answering the question what will be the attitude of that country towards Kosovo during the chairmanship of the CoE, which started last week.

Tanja Fajon nominated rapporteur for visas for Kosovo (RTKlive)

Tanja Fajon, who was also Rapporteur for visa liberalization for Western Balkans, was nominated Rapporteur for visa liberalization for Kosovo. She will be preparing the report which will be initially discussed and voted at the Parliamentary Commission then at the plenary session of the European Parliament.

Even though Kosovo has a strong support of the European Parliament MPs, the procedure requires time and it is not easy to foresee how long it will take.

How Kosovo Was Turned Into Fertile Ground for ISIS (NYT)

Every Friday, just yards from a statue of Bill Clinton with arm aloft in a cheery wave, hundreds of young bearded men make a show of kneeling to pray on the sidewalk outside an improvised mosque in a former furniture store.