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Festival “Mirëdita, dobar dan” kicks off in Belgrade (TV Most)

The festival “Miredita, dobar dan” (‘Good day’ in Albanian and Serbian languages) which is about the presentation of Kosovo’s cultural and social scene kicks off today in Belgrade, and will last from 1-4 June.

Festival is about gathering of representatives of two societies aimed at overcoming difficult legacy of the past, and creation of conditions for the new start of young generations in the Balkans, explained organizers, two citizens’ initiatives ‘Integra’ from Pristina and Center for Practical Politics from Belgrade.


Burglarized house of a Serb in Veliko Ropotovo (TV Puls, KIM Radio)

House of Vasilije Arsić from village Veliko Ropotovo in Ranilug/Ranillug Municipality has been burglarized, reported TV Puls.

Arsić, who is currently dwelling in town Niš in central Serbia, found out about the burglary last night after he returned to his house in Kosovo. According to him, an LCD television set was stolen from the house, laptop, several mobile phones and a bag with the jewelry, whereas other stuff were turned upside down in the house and a fridge, stuffed with food, was disconnected from the power supply.


Hofer: Kosovo is Serbia (Kontakt Plus Radio)

Kosovo is part of Serbia, stated President of Austria’s far-right Freedom Party, Norbert Hofer, who lost the Austrian presidential race in the second round against the independent candidate Alexander Van der Bellen, and added that Dayton Agreement confirms the legitimacy and legality of the existence of the Republic of Srpska.

Hofer reminded in his interview to Belgrade-based daily Kurir that he is well known as the one who publicly speaks against Kosovo’s membership in the international organizations.


October NATO Summit to be held in Kosovo (Klan Kosova)

Albania will host tomorrow for the first time the three-day Summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. 260 people from 28 NATO member countries as well as delegates from the partner countries are expected to attend the Summit. The main focus of the discussions will be global and Balkans security. Kosovo will also be represented at the Summit by Deputy President of the Assembly of Kosovo, Xhavit Haliti. The Assembly of Kosovo gained in 2014 the status of the observer at NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

European Parliament discusses visa liberalization today (RTKlive)

The European Parliament will hold today the first debate on the proposal of the European Commission for removal of visas for Kosovo. The European Commission will initially present its arguments, then the report which has to undergo Parliament procedures will be drafted. Despite the fact that majority of the European Parliament support removal of visas for Kosovo, the procedure to travel without visas this summer might not be reached.

Margallo: Spain will never recognise Kosovo (Tanjug)

Spain supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia and it will never recognise Kosovo's independence, Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel García-Margallo said on Wednesday.

This year marks the centenary of the diplomatic relations between Serbia and Spain, where Spain's support for Serbia's territorial integrity is a crucial pillar, Margallo said after a meeting with Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic.

Thaçi: Kosovo at the forefront of fight against terrorism (RTK)

President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, hailed the Kosovo Assembly pro-vote to the draft law on preventing funding of terrorism. He said the law is aimed at preventing the citizens of Kosovo from joining wars in foreign territory. “The fact that not a single case of people from Kosovo joining foreign wars has been recorded in the last six months is one of the first successes of our joint efforts”, wrote Thaçi on his social media account. He stressed that Kosovo remains at the forefront of the battle against extremism and terrorism.