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Thaci to Admiral Ferguson: Kosovo expects establishment of political dialogue with NATO (Klan Kosova)

President Thaçi said that the North Atlantic Alliance remains the key to stability in Kosovo and in the region, adding that KFOR is the most trusted institution among the people of Kosovo.
He said that Kosovo expects to establish a political dialogue with NATO and to enter into contractual relations with the alliance. “Kosovo Security Force has carried out the necessary reforms and is ready to be transformed into an army, a multiethnic force. The armed forces will be ready to join NATO’s Partnership for Peace programme”, he added.

Kosovo: 6 arrested, President Thaci's uncle escapes (Tanjug, B92)

Six persons have been arrested in Kosovo on suspicion of links to organized crime and activities that damaged the Kosovo budget and Serb families from Kosovo.

The operation was carried out on Wednesday by the police of the EU mission in Kosovo, EULEX, and the Kosovo police. Some 350 police officers searched 42 locations, in connection with 40 suspects in an ongoing criminal investigation. The Kosovo Special Prosecution said that the six persons detained today will be brought before the Basic Court in Pristina.


Hello, operator, Kosovo wants its own calling code (USA Today)

PRISTINA, Kosovo — As Europe's newest nation, Kosovo has most of the symbols of other sovereign countries, such as a flag and a national anthem.

What it still doesn't have is its own international calling code, a political — and economic —- insult that infuriates people in this tiny nation of 1.8 million.

Callers who dial someone in Kosovo on a mobile phone must use the country code for either Monaco (377) or Slovenia (386).

Janjic: Serbs have not turned their backs on Belgrade (Danas)

- The overwhelming support of the voters in Kosovo, given to the Serbian Progressive Party in this parliamentary election points to their, first of all, support to the policy of normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, says the President of Active Serbia Dusan Janjic, commenting on the fact that the SNS received about 66 per cent of the vote in the territory of Kosovo.

"The EU's position on Kosovo includes all Member States" (KIM radio)

EU Commission spokesman Margaritis Schinas says that the position of the EU on Kosovo is well known and it includes the member states that recognize an independent Kosovo and the Member States which do not recognize it.

He said this at a regular press conference, when he was asked whether it means that the EC recognizes Kosovo as a country since he had used the word "Republic" for Kosovo, bearing in mind that six EU member states did not recognize an independent Kosovo.

Thaci promises establishment of Reqan and Vitomirice municipalities (RTKlive)

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, waited today for a meeting of representatives of Bosniak community, MPs of the Vakat coalition. After the meeting, Minister without portfolio, Rasim Demiri, said that they congratulated the President on his new duty. He added that they were promised by President Thaci the establishment of new Bosniak community municipalities, in Reqan and Vitomirice.

Delawie: Twnety thousand jobs within the next six years (

Leaders of Kosovo institutions and foreign diplomats presented today in Gracanica the Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund. Small and medium sized businesses are expected to gain an easier access to loans after the establishment of the Credit Guarantee Fund, which enables more favorable loans for them.

The Fund, which is a local, independent and sustainable institution, will issue partial guarantees for loans to the financial institutions, increasing in this manner access for micro and medium sized enterprises.

Serwer: Serbia will not join EU without recognising Kosovo (RTK)

The US Balkans expert Daniel Serwer said in an interview for Radio Free Europe that Serbia will not be able to gain European Union membership without resolving all major issues, including recognition of Kosovo and exchange of ambassadors. “If it doesn’t do this, I don’t see how Serbia could become an EU member,” he said. Speaking about recent Serbian elections, Serwer said the current Prime Minister of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic won major support because of his pro-European politics.

SNS wins two-thirds of votes cast in Kosovo (B92)

The SNS party won 67.09 percent of the votes in the Serbian parliamentary elections in Kosovo, the party announced based on 100 percent of ballots processed.

SNS official Marko Djuric, who also heads the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija, told reporters in Belgrade late on Monday that it was "a historic result for the SNS in Kosovo and Metohija."

"We became united and rallied the Kosovo and Metohija Serbs together," Djuric said.