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O’Connel: Return of Serbs to Prizren is normal (Koha Ditore, KIM Radio)

British Ambassador to Kosovo Ruairi O’Connel paid a visit to Serb returnees in Prizren and stated that return of Serbs to urban settlements of this town and their integration is ‘the sign of normality”.

Serbs are returning to their property in Prizren within the project supported by the British government. O’Connel underlined that in the process of return it is not only important that people return to their homes but have a normal life as well, and for this reason it is important for this process to be accomplished.


Thaci and Veseli for coordination of actions on EU integration (

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, has received today the chairman of the Assembly of Kosovo, Kadri Veseli, as part of the meetings with the representatives of various Kosovo institutions.

They discussed the intensification of cooperation between the Presidency and the Assembly in all areas, especially in the areas of rule of law and European integration.

“The Presidency and the Assembly will continue to coordinate their work to ensure the efficient functioning of our institutions. We need to accelerate our path into NATO and the EU”, President Thaçi said.

Pristina wants "all powers transferred from EU mission" (B92)

The Kosovo government has sent a plan for the transfer of all powers of the EU mission, EULEX, to local authorities.

This has been reported by the Albanian-language daily Koha Ditore, quoted by Tanjug.

The paper published a document in which Pristina calls on the EU to by mid-June transfer all cases initiated or investigated by EULEX to the local judiciary.

Kosovo reaches agreement with Serbia on mutual recognition of ADR certificates (Kosovapress)

Kosovo delegation in the discussions with Serbia, informed through a press release that they have reached agreement for reciprocal recognition of the ADR certificates on transportation of the hazardous goods.

With the mediation of the European Union in Brussels and after marathonic discussions under a heavy and tensioned atmosphere, the agreement for mutual recognition of ADR certificates was reached at around 03:30 in the morning, or after 20 hours of discussions, informed Kosovo’s Minister for Dialogue, Edita Tahiri.