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Serbs from the North to protest in Jarinje (RTK)

A group of people from Rudare village, close to Zvecan, is heading by vehicle to Jarinje, at the border crossing between Kosovo and Serbia, to protest against the announced decision of the government of Kosovo that from 18 April, individuals who possess illegal ID documents, issued by the illegal structures of Serbia in Kosovo, will not be allowed to enter Kosovo.

Mayors of the northern municipalities as well as mayors of the so-called municipalities that function as part of Serbia, also joined these protesters.

Jovic: Serbian Government present in Kosovo every day (Blic)

Deputy Director of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Zeljko Jovic, stated yesterday that the Serbian Government is present in Kosovo and Metohija every day, offering a hand of friendship and doing everything for the sake of survival of Serbs in the province.

Jovic paid a visit to Kololeč village in Kamenica/Kamenicë Municipality where he opened a section of a newly asphalted road that passes through the village, as part of a project funded by the Serbian Government through this Office.


Kosovo Flexes Muscles by Banning Serbian Politicians (Balkan Insight)

Ban on entry of the head of Serbia's Kosovo Office - one of several recent bans - is designed to remind Belgrade that Kosovo does not want the Serbian election campaign conducted on its territory, experts say.

US human rights report: Endemic corruption in the government of Kosovo (Koha)

One of the most serious problems with human rights in Kosovo during 2015 was the obstruction, at times violent, of the parliament by opposition deputies during the October-December period, states the annual US State Department report on human rights. This obstruction, according to the report, blocked free debate and the passage of legislation. Furthermore, endemic corruption in the government and the private sector as well as the lack of punishment for corrupt acts remained an important human rights problem.

From Sunday, Kosovo-FYROM border to be crossed only with ID cards (Koha Ditore)

The new conditions of travelling only with ID cards between Kosovo and Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia will become effective on Sunday, 17 April 2016. Kosovo’s Ministry of Internal Affairs announced a ceremony at the border point between Hani i Elezit and Blace. The condition to cross the border for the population of Kosovo is to possess biometric IDs. For several years now, Kosovo population can cross the borders only with IDs while traveling to Albania and Montenegro.