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Normalization of relations with Kosovo: a condition for integration in the EU (Beta)

Foreign Minister of Slovakia Miroslav Lajchak stated today in Belgrade that the normalization of relations with Kosovo is a condition for successful integration of Serbia in the European Union. This does not mean recognition of Kosovo but rather, the implementation of mutual agreements and relations.


Serbia absent at meeting for European Convention in Pristina (Klan Kosova)

 The Council of Europe in cooperation with the Constitutional Court of Kosovo, organized an international conference in Pristina on the “Interpretation and implementation of the European Convention for human rights by the Constitutional Courts in Western Balkans.” In addition to the judges of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo, those of the Constitutional Courts of Croatia, Albania and Montenegro also participated in the conference, whilst Serbian representatives failed to attend.

Special Court foresees also arrest of those carrying positions of President, PM or Assembly President (

Drafters of the Law for the specialized chambers and the office of the specialized prosecutor have foreseen the possibility that the President, the Prime Minister and the President of the Assembly could be among the eventual suspects.

Serbia’s general elections also in Kosovo (Koha Ditore)

Serbia’s general elections are expected to be held also in Kosovo, and OSCE will be most probably requested to offer technical help.

There will be no local elections of Serbia, being that Brussels agreement obliges Kosovo Serbs to hold their elections according to Kosovo’s election system.

Head of the Council for Kosovo at the Serbian Assembly, Milovan Drecun, told Belgrade media that Serbia’s general elections will be held in Kosovo, no matter eventual obstacles by Pristina.

IMF completes review of Stand-By agreement with Kosovo (Koha Ditore)

The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) reviewed the implementation of the Stand-By agreement with Kosovo which enables it to disburse €35 million. The decision was taken at the meeting of the IMF Executive Board on 15 January. According to Kosovo Finance Minister, Avdullah Hoti, the funds will be available by next week and that the decision came after fulfillment of the IMF criteria.

The UK Ambassador invites people to talk to him live on Facebook (

The Ambassador of the United Kingdom in Kosovo, Ruairi O’Conell is doing something that no Kosovo politician did, except during the election campaign. Today, he has set the time between 14:00 to 16:00 hours to discuss with Kosovo people on Facebook. The Embassy has invited Kosovo people not to miss the opportunity to make questions. O’Connell speaks fluent Albanian. “Don’t miss the opportunity!

About the wasted time and eventual loss (Koha Ditore)

“Who would have thought that on an average Kosovar day, eight years after the independence, rightfully or not, one party would see the other as Milosevic’s regime, while the other would see the first one as ISIS force,” writes Lumir Abdixhiku today and adds that clashes in Kosovo have reached very far. He does not see a calm future of Kosovo and considers that clashes among the political parties would not end naturally without an intervention from abroad. “As far as internal intervention is concerned, I have lost all hopes.