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Joint action by three Kosovo-Morava region municipalities (Politika)

Mayors of three Serb-majority municipalities of Kosovo-Morava region, Ranilug/Ranillug, Novo Brdo/Novobërdë and Parteš-Pasjane/Partesh/Pasjanë have signed an agreement on joint action aimed at efficiently tackling the problems of unemployment, changed demographic structure and departure of young people. The Mayor of Ranilug/Ranillug Municipality Gradimir Nikic stated that joint presentation of these municipalities in front of Belgrade and Pristina authorities will not only be related to politics.


Thaci: a new European era for Kosovo has begun today (Koha Ditore)

Kosovo's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hashim Thaci, said that the voting of the European Parliament for the ratification of the Stabilization Association Agreement with Kosovo, marks a new era for the youngest European state.

“The European Parliament gave a majority vote in favor of the ratification of the Stabilization Association Agreement with Kosovo. This is a historical moment and the first formal contract between Kosovo and the EU,” wrote Thaci on his Facebook profile page.

Hahn: SAA commits Kosovo to continue dialogue with Serbia (

The EU Commissioner for Enlargement, Johannes Hahn said during the debate at the European Parliament that the Stabilization Association Agreement (SAA) for Kosovo should strengthen regional cooperation. He stressed that based on this Agreement, Kosovo had committed to significant and sustainable improvements of the relations with Serbia.

EP approves SAA between Kosovo and the EU (

Kosovo’s Minister for European Integration, announced that the European Parliament had voted for the Stabilization Association Agreement, signed between Kosovo and the EU in October of last year. He expressed his gratefulness to all Euro-deputies for their votes in favor of Kosovo. “During its plenary sessions today, the European Parliament gave consent for the Stabilization, Association Agreement between the Republic of Kosovo and the European Union.

Oliver Ivanovic: Karate master defeated in Court (Balkan Insight)

Kosovo Serb leader Ivanovic’s martial arts skills brought him to politics, and he was once seen as a key figure in Kosovo-Serbia dialogue - but he now faces jail for war crimes against Albanians.

“I am completely innocent,” Oliver Ivanovic, the head of the Freedom, Democracy, Justice political party in the Serb-majority north of the divided Kosovo town of Mitrovica, told a court in August 2014.

Schwendiman: Court for Kosovo brings us closer to investigation of crimes (Blic, Beta)

Lead Prosecutor of the EU Special Investigative Task Force David Schwendiman said today that the announcement that the seat of the Special Court for war crimes in Kosovo would be in the Hague is a sign that things are moving closer to the investigation of the allegations presented in the Council of Europe report of January 2011 by Senator Dick Marty.


Robertson: Our motto in Kosovo was - Serbs out, peacekeepers in, refugees back (Vecernje Novosti)

Former NATO Secretary-General George Robertson stated today in Pristina that a DNA analysis recently revealed that he had Albanian genes from his father's side and that he had not been aware of this at the time of NATO bombing of former Yugoslavia.

Robertson held a lecture at Univerzum faculty where he spoke enthusiastically about NATO's actions to save civilian lives in Kosovo and declared that their motto at that time was: Serbs out, peacekeepers in, refugees back.


Serbia rejects changes of the Agreement on association (

The director of the Office for Kosovo in the Serbian government, Marko Djuric, stated that Belgrade would not accept any alternative other than full implementation of the agreements signed in Brussels with the government of Pristina. This official stressed that Serbia is determined to pursue this issue until resolved and added that changes of the draft would not be accepted.