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The Serbian government shuts down "non-functional" institutions (Vesti)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said on Thursday in Novo Brdo that Serbia would establish a full control over assistance that Serbian Government allocated for the Serbs in Kosovo and that it would reconsider the survival of Serbian institutions that exist only "on paper".

- Serbian institutions that chronically are functioning poorly in Kosovo and Metohija have to be tailored to the needs of our people in the southern province after 16 years - Djuric said.

Church of the Christ Savior main entrance doors sealed (Kontakt Plus Radio, RTK2)

Kosovo Ministry of Spatial Planning yesterday sealed the main entrance doors at the Church of Christ the Savior in Pristina, aimed at preventing further desecration of the church. An axillary entry door will still remain in function and, according to unofficial information, a set of spare keys will be handed over to the European Commission.

Djuric: Electoral months ahead of us (Akter)

Serbian Progressive Party in the Kosovo Morava region gained around 2,000 new members, said Marko Djuric in Zebince, near Novo Brdo, a member of the Main Board and the Presidium of Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), and pointed out that the SNS will participate in all elections.

The objective of SNS in elections, he points out, is victory at all levels - a victory against unemployment, victory against corruption and victory for strong institutions.

Kosovars Plead Guilty to Syria Terrorism Charges (Balkan Insight)

The two Kosovo citizens, who claim to have only spent a short time in Syria because they refused to shift allegiance from the Al Nusra militant group to ISIS, pleaded guilty at a Pristina court.

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National reconciliation and elections (Koha Ditore)

Adriatik Kelmendi writes that after the verdict of the Constitutional Court on the establishment of the Association/Community of the Serb-majority municipalities, the 200 thousand signatures of the petition against this Association, tens of thousands of protesters, the only solution for the situation in Kosovo appears to be early elections. However, new elections would be a solution only if the five main political parties of Albanian majority reach a consensus on a several-points plan for national reconciliation.

Brussels will not draw the boundary (Vecernje Novosti)

The announcement of the Kosovo Minister for dialogue Edita Tahiri that Pristina wants to talk about the demarcation of the border between Kosovo and Serbia during 2016, Belgrade sees as a provocation which spoils the atmosphere of dialogue.

On this occasion, the Head of the Parliamentary Committee for KiM Milovan Drecun ruled out the possibility of talks on any borders during the Brussels dialogue.

Unconditioned dialogue, including early elections (Koha Ditore)

Halil Matoshi writes today that quarrels and aggressive discourse against the opposition cannot overcome the situation “of the small and clashed country” as referred to Kosovo in the western media. He considers that the solution stands in an offer for a political, unconditioned discussion, which would not exclude early elections.

Rescue and savior in the war for Thaci’s seat (Gazeta Blic)

Beqe Cufaj considers today that frustration and conclusion that the current opposition which raises only the issues of the “Association” and “Demarcation” cannot be supported, is understandable. To him, the current opposition is only the other side of the coin, or different faces with the same intention. He regrets for the lack of a third wing or an alternative that would breach the dreams of current politicians for power and corruption.

Dacic: Only in Kosovo is possible demolition of temples without penalty (N1)

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says that the desecration of the temple of Christ the Saviour in Pristina, in the presence of Kosovo police at Christmas time, another sad proof that Serbia was right when it opposed the Kosovo's entry into UNESCO.

"Albanians in Kosovo not only that they are incapable to protect Serbian cultural and religious heritage, but they are destroying it without any punishment for the perpetrators," said Dacic in a statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.