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Former Serbian MUP employees in Kosovo announced protests and hunger strike (Kontakt Plus Radio)

Former Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs' (MUP) employees in Kosovo, who are requesting solution to their employment and legal status in line with the Serbian Constitution and laws and who are not satisfied with the dynamic of the address of their demands, have announced launching of protests and hunger strike today in Mitrovica North in front of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija. Representative of the employees Rajko Sekularac said to Kontakt Plus Radio that protest will last until all requests are fulfilled.

Berlin condemns the attack on the largest Serb village in Metohija (Politika)

At the request of Politika to respond to Tuesday's attack in Gorazdevac, the German Foreign Ministry condemned the incident.

''Kosovo police has already launched an investigation. We call on the police authorities to conduct a thorough investigation and bring the perpetrators to justice,'' said the German MFA.

As stated in the headquarters of German diplomacy, all ethnic communities must feel safe and secure throughout Kosovo.

HLC: To arrest the perpetrators and to provide appropriate reparation to Serbs in Gorazdevac (Kontakt plus radio)

Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) Kosovo strongly condemns the recent armed attack on the village of Gorazhdevc/Goraždevac in the municipality of Peja/Peć. HLC Kosovo recalls that, in the past, attacks against local Serbs in this region almost never led to appropriate police investigations. The recurrent failure to arrest perpetrators of these crimes creates a climate of insecurity for Serb citizens of this village and of Kosovo at large, and has a negative impact on the establishment of civic trust in Kosovo institutions.

Stojanovic: Nothing in Kosovo happens by chance (RTS)

Albanians should take responsibility for the security of Serbs and they should stop looking for excuses for the perpetrators that have not been found, said yesterday Deputy Kosovo Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic.

Stojanovic told the RTS that the atmosphere is such that many radical elements want to raise the temperature to the boiling point.

Then, according to him, the most vulnerable people suffer who live in remote settlements, far away from the Serbian municipalities.