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Jevtic: EUR 8 million insufficient for return and plans (RTK2)

Despite the announcements that Kosovo parliament’s committee on the rights and interests of communities would review today the report of the budget committee with regard to funds allocated to the Ministry for Communities and Return in the next year, this didn’t take place because report has not been accomplished yet. Minister for Communities and Return Dalibor Jevtic however stated that he learned that the budget would amount to some EUR 8 million and added that this is insufficient for implementation of the Ministry’s plans for the next year.


Opinion of the western EU members is an attitude, and the eastern - a problem (Politika)

EU lives two realities. One is in our declarations, where everything is all right, and the other one on the ground where nothing is well. We say that there is Schengen regime. "Schengen" implies the protection of borders, that no one can enter, and that we do not know who he is and why he comes. Does it exist in reality? It does not exist.

Thus Miroslav Lajcak, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister of Slovakia speak for the daily Politika on the migrant crisis and the European response to the crisis.

Radicalization of politics (media)

Deputy President of the Assembly of Kosovo Xhavit Haliti, says the relations between the opposition and political majority at the Assembly, have been  strained and conflicting, ever since its delayed constitution. In fact, he adds, relations are inexistent. He notes that issuance of the arrest warrant for four MPs of the opposition and Albin Kurti’s public arrest by the police, during the Flag Day at Vetevenodsje headquarters, has seriously damaged and even closed ways to discussions and dialogue.

Shooting incidents in Serb enclave in Kosovo (B92,Tanjug)

Several houses, vehicles and a memorial site were shot at early on Monday in the Serb village of Gorazdevac in Kosovo. Nobody was injured during the incidents.

Minister for Return and Communities in the Kosovo government Dalibor Jevtic told Tanjug that the incidents happened around three o'clock in the morning local time (CET) and that two cars were damaged. According to him, attackers shot five times at the home of the five-member Petrovic family. One bullet was recovered in the bathroom.


Opposition presents three alternatives to the Prime Minister (Koha)

Activists of the three opposition parties, the Vetevenodsje Movement, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), initiated today a symbolic action for the release of the arrested MPs. They stopped in front of the Kosovo Police Headquarters carrying pamphlets “Freedom for Deputies! Down dictatorship!” and “No violence can stop us.”

Zbogar: SAA needs strong institutions and functional Assembly (Koha)

Successful implementation of the Stabilization Association Agreement will be determinant for the future of Kosovo towards the next step, gaining the status of the candidate for European Union membership. For successful implementation of the SAA, Kosovo needs to have strong institutions and a functional Assembly.