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Gračanica: New threats to municipal officials (KIM Radio)

Leadership of Gračanica/Graçanicë municipality informed Kosovo police about new threats referred to municipal officials. Only a day after unknown perpetrators have set on fire a vehicle owned by the director of the Hospital inGračanica/Graçanicë, and left a threatening message in front of his house door, pressure on municipal officials had continued with the threatening SMS: “Doctor has been set in fire this morning, you are next, watch your families”.


Serbian PM opens OSCE conference in Belgrade, warns about "Balkan powder keg" (B92, RTK2)

Aleksandar Vucic said at the opening of the OSCE Ministerial Council that the Balkans remains "a powder keg that needs only a spark to explode again."

"I must express my concern for the stability in the Balkans. Serbia is a stable country, but several crisis situation in the region are enough - in Macedonia, Montenegro, Pristina - for the whole region be set on fire again," said Prime Minister of Serbia on Thursday.

Montenegro to ratify agreement for demarcation of the border with Kosovo (Klan Kosova)

Montenegro is expected to ratify soon the agreement for demarcation of the border with Kosovo. Montenegro’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Igor Luksic, confirmed the news in an interview for Montenegrin media. “I believe that Montenegro will very soon complete ratification of the agreement for demarcation with Kosovo,” he said.

Haziri, Jevtic and Maric discuss Serbs’ return in Gjilan/Gnjilane (Klan Kosova)

Gjilan/Gnjilane mayor, Lutfi Haziri, hosted today Kosovo’s Minister for Communities and Returns, Dalibor Jevtic and the Minister for Administration of Local Government, Ljubomir Maric, to discuss important matters for Gjilan/Gnjilane population. “We discussed today the plans and possibilities for the 2016 budget and for development on community interests in Gjilan/Gnjilane, villages such as Shillova, Cernica and Kmetoci as well as the urban part surrounding the ‘Saint Nikola” church, schools etc.

Zbogar: Dialogue with Serbia has no alternative, but it should be transparent (Indeksonline)

Head of the European Union Office in Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar, said today that the dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade does not have an alternative; however, he requested from the institutions of Kosovo more transparency of the process. Zbogar made these comments during the promotion of the “Big Deal”report by BIRN, Internews Kosova and Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture (ACDC) organizations, which concerns the dialogue process. “We have also lost the opposition, and the situation is such.

Kerry to stop only at “Adem Jashari” Airport? (Koha)

The United States Secretary of State, John Kerry, will visit tomorrow Kosovo. According to an agenda ensured by Kosovo Police, he is so far foreseen to meet only the Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa and Deputy Prime Minister Hashim Thaci.

This agenda does not foresee the place of the meeting, however, there are rumors that Kerry will only stop at Pristina Airport.

Kosovo: Bomb thrown at a shop in Serbian village (Tanjug)

A bomb was thrown last night at a shop in village Gojbulja near Vushtrri/Vučitrn where local Serbs are gathering, Kontakt Plus Radio reported. Bomb did not explode and no injuries were reported.

After the incident local Serbs dispersed and reported the case to Kosovo Police who arrived at the place of incident around 09:30 pm last night to deactivate the bomb. Village Gojbulja is populated with around 150 Serbs.
