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Italian, Kosovar police detain 4 suspected of threats against pope and US diplomat (Foxnews)

MILAN –  Authorities in Italy and Kosovo have detained four Kosovars suspected of making threats against the pope and a U.S. diplomat.

Italian police said Tuesday that three were detained in Italy; one was being held while two were expelled under anti-terrorism measures. Kosovo police, meanwhile, arrested an ethnic Albanian south of Pristina who had a pistol and a rifle in his possession.

Derguti: Suspension of the opposition in contradiction with regulation and Constitution (Gazeta Express)

Vetevendosje deputy and Vice-President of the Assembly of Kosovo, Aida Derguti, stated that exclusion of the opposition deputies from today’s session of the Assembly, is in contradiction with the working regulation of the Assembly of Kosovo and the Constitution of Kosovo. She also announced organizing of the protests. “In a country where opposition is not within the parliament, then it cannot be called a parliament,” Deguti said.

Assembly Chairmanship suspends opposition deputies for the day (media)

Security has blocked the deputies from the Kosovo Assembly opposition parties and it does not allow them to climb to the alternative hall of the Assembly.

Kosovo Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, informed after the meeting of Assembly Chairmanship that the meeting would resume in thirty minutes, however, leaders and deputies of the Vetevendosje Movement, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), were not allowed to enter the Assembly hall.

Đurić: Accent to be put on mutual interest (Vecernje Novosti, KIM Radio)

The director of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Đurić, said that no one should expect Serbia to change its position with regard to the status of its southern province, however he argues that Belgrade and Pristina have considerable room for settling issues of a joint interests and creation of lasting stability in that region.


Kosovo government: Creation of the A/CSM conditioned with abolition of ‘parallel structures’ (KoSSev)

Creation of the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities is conditioned with the removal of Serbian parallel structures in Kosovo, says Kosovo government. This is the agreement that was in principle reached in Brussels and is parallel with a process of drafting the status of the A/CSM, where three-party group would work on the abolishment of ‘parallel structures’.

Opposition optimistic that the Government is reflecting toward their demands (

Opposition parties assess that the Government has started to change its position towards the requests of the opposition parties on the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities and demarcation of the border with Montenegro. According to the officials of opposition parties, this is happening due to the activities of the opposition.