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Mustafa: We were not informed about Dikovic’s visit, he should face justice (Gazeta Express)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, spoke during an extraordinary press conference about the visit of the Serbian General accused for war crimes in Kosovo, Ljubisa Dikovic. He said that the government of Kosovo did not have any information with regards to his visit to Kosovo.

Hasani: A/CSM can have its own constitution (KoSSev)

“If we look at the original version of the Agreement on the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities (A/CSM), which would be considered as the relevant one in case of any dispute,  it provides that the A/CSM will have a constituent assembly, which stipulates implicitly that it could act out of the constitutional and legal framework of Kosovo and could have, in the end, its own constitution,” said former president of the Kosovo Constitutional Court, Enver Hasani in a TV show ‘Slobodno srpski’ (Talk free in Serbian).

Selimi expects agreement on A/CSM to be fully implemented (Tanjug)

It is very important that Albanians in Kosovo and Serbs in Serbia have it clear that agreements reached in Brussels are fully harmonized with the Kosovo Constitution, said Kosovo Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Petrit Selimi, and added that he also expects the latest agreement referring to the Association/Community of Serb municipalities to be implemented, too.
