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Jevtic: Opening of chapters, important news for the Kosovo Serbs (Blic, RTS)

Minister for Communities and Returns in the Kosovo government Dalibor Jevtic said tonight that the opening of the first chapters of the EU with Serbia were extremely important news for the Serbs in Kosovo.

- For those of us who live in Kosovo, opening of chapters is important, but also that everything agreed in Brussels will be implemented - he said in a statement to RTS.

Pristina prevents entry to Kosovo with Serbian ID (Blic)

Kosovo Police last night received instruction to prevent entry to Kosovo to all persons with who have residence in Kosovo and holding Serbian identification documents issued by the Serbian Ministry of Interior, whereas the head of Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said that there are speculations about it and that situation is closely followed at crossings. Tanjug learned that Kosovo Police did not start implementing this instruction yet at crossings Jarinje and Brnjak in northern Kosovo.


EU publishes "common position" document on chapter 35 (B92)

The EU has published its common position on chapter 35 relating to Kosovo, which was opened late on Monday.

The text stresses that "this first set of interim benchmarks will be updated" and that "if progress in the normalization of relations with Kosovo significantly lags behind progress in the negotiations overall" the opening of other chapters could be frozen.

Tough life conditions of Serbs in Metohija (TV Most, TV Puls)

Life of Serbs in Metohija could be described as unimaginable for the 21st century. They live isolated, in fear and without freedom of movement, however they struggle to survive there, and there are those who decided to return and start new life on their land.

“There are only seven Serbs living in Istok. Children have no one to play with, would be easier if there would be more of us here. Hence, it is not bad, life must go one,” says Aleksandar Sekulic to TV Puls.


Anniversary of murder of Serb youngsters in Peć (Tanjug)

Today is 17th anniversary of the murder of six Serbian youngsters in a café ‘Panda’ in Peć/Pejë in Kosovo, who were 14 to 24 years old. No one was held responsible for this crime so far. They were killed after two masked men entered the café and started shooting.

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday that he is almost sure about what happened 17 years ago, but that he has no sufficient evidence.


Our unbearable patience towards Serbia (Koha Ditore)

Lumir Abdixhiku is surprised that no one from the European Union or form Kosovo leadership reacted nor did they send a note to Serbia, when senior state officials such as Serbia’s Minister of Justice, Serbian army’s chief general, Minister of Defense and Orthodox Church representative waited on Vladimir Lazarevic, with state ceremony and treated him as national hero despite the fact that he was sentenced with ten years of prison for the war crimes in Kosovo,. “Reaction? None.

Serb house robbed in Novake (KIM Radio)

Household Andrejevic in a returnee village Novake near Prizren was robbed last night, learned RTV Kim.

Thieves have taken away tools and agriculture machines while Andrejevic family was celebrating saint's patron day in the house. Few dozens of Serb returnees, mainly elderly, live in Novake and they are frequently targeted by thieves. Case was reported to Kosovo Police and investigation is ongoing.
