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Annual report of European Commission delivered to PM Brnabic (Serbian Government, media)

Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia Sem Fabrizi delivered today to Prime Minister Ana Brnabic the Annual Report of the European Commission on the Republic of Serbia.

At a press conference held in the Serbian government, Brnabic assessed that the Report is basically positive because it recognizes the progress in some areas, primarily in the economy, but expressed the expectation that in the future there will be no political assessment of progress towards the EU in some important areas.

“How could Serbia react: To warn NATO?” (Sputnik, B92)

Pristina did not make the decision to move into action in the north of Kosovo on its own, Milovan Drecun and Nebojsa Covic opined, B92 writes referring to Sputnik portal report.

Chairperson of the Serbian National Assembly Committee for Kosovo, Drecun and former head of the Coordination Centre for Kosovo and Metohija, Covic expect similar incidents would happen again.

Vucic on KFOR’s statement: Not accurate (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said the situation of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija is more difficult today than yesterday, adding KFOR military mission is not neutral at all, Tanjug news agency reports.

Asked to comment on KFOR’s spokesperson Vincenzo Grasso statement that the biggest threat to the peace in Kosovo are the rhetoric of politicians and misuse of the media, as well as “that everybody was informed in advance” about yesterday’s police action, President Vucic urged KFOR to publicly state that fact – whom they have informed.

Alliance for Serbia: Events in Kosovo result of failed Vucic’s policy (Danas)

Opposition Alliance for Serbia (SzS) said the latest events in Kosovo and Metohija are the result of President Aleksandar Vucic failed policy, adding it in many aspects resemble a joint direction of Haradinaj and Vucic that would bring good neither to Serbian nor Albanian people, Danas daily reports.

“While “his businessmen” applaud him loudly from the balcony of Republic of Serbia National Assembly, in the north of Kosovo Vucic and his coalition partners Ramush Haradinaj and Hashim Thaci push Kosovo police against the Serbian people,” SzS said in a press statement.

''Negative reviews'' about the state of democracy in Serbia (Danas)

According to Belgrade based daily Danas, Serbia is expected to have "very negative assessment" of the state of democracy.

Some diplomats told Danas that "very negative reviews" will be found in the segment relating to the "state of democracy," referring to the European Commission's Progress Report on Serbia's progress towards EU membership, to be presented at today's extraordinary meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committee European Parliament in Brussels.

Serbia concerned with situation in north, ready to protect its people, Dacic says (Blic)

Belgrade-based daily Blic reports that Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic said today that he reported to the foreign ministers of the Visegrad Group and the Western Balkans at a meeting in Bratislava that Serbia was concerned about the situation in Kosovo and that it is firmly resolved to protect its people.

Great powers have reacted, Vucic says (BETA, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced today that "great powers" have reacted to the events in Zubin Potok. According to him, these power said that the operation of Kosovo special police forces has nothing to do with the fight against crime, but that this is about excessive measures.

"This is good news, I said - Serbia will win," Vucic said at the session of the Serbian Assembly.

He previously reiterated that in Zubin Potok, special Kosovo police forces fired live ammunition over the heads of unarmed Serbs.

"Serbia ready to protect Serbian people in Kosovo" (Serbian Government, media)

President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic said today that in the operation of a special units ROSU and FIT, 23 persons of Serb and Bosniak ethnicity have been arrested in the north of Kosovo-Metohija, mostly members of the Kosovo police.

Speaking in the Serbian Parliament after the session of the National Security Council, Vucic said that this was an attempt to completely criminalise the Serbian people, who is more anxious than ever.

Serbian National Security Council meets in Belgrade (RTS)

Serbian public broadcaster RTS reports that the National Security Council is currently having a session on the situation in the northern Kosovo, following Kosovo police ROSU units intrusion. RTS added President Aleksandar Vucic warned the EU, Serbia shall react if ROSU does not withdraw from the north of Kosovo and Metohija.

Movements of Serbian Army and police in direction of Kosovo are also noticed. President Vucic would address Serbian Assembly MPs and Serbian citizens about the latest events at 10.30, RTS reported.