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US Ambassador to NATO on Belgrade-Pristina relations (Tanjug, B92)

USA Ambassador to NATO, Kay Bailey Hutchison said the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina would also mitigate other problems on the both sides, Tanjug news agency reported.

“We want Kosovo and Serbia to work together on normalization. Normalization would contribute to mitigate many other open issues that both sides have,” Ambassador Hutchison said.

She added it is NATO’s wish to overcome historic problems in the territories of Serbia and Kosovo and to establish inclusive minority rights “on both sides of the borders.”

McAllister: Vucic and Thaci raised dialogue to new level (Tanjug, Radio KIM)

European Parliament Rapporteur for Serbia, David McAllister urged Pristina authorities to revoke the decision on tariffs on goods from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tanjug news agency reported.

He noted it is not easy, however Aleksandar Vucic and Hashim Thaci have raised the dialogue to the new level. He called on the both sides to continue dialogue in order to advance on their respective paths to the EU.

Vucic thanks Moldova for not recognizing Kosovo (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met in Belgrade on Tuesday with Deputy Prime Minister of Moldova in charge of European Integration Iurie Leanca. Vucic emphasized that it was necessary to encourage improvement of political dialogue and economic cooperation between the two countries, since bilateral relations are friendly, but not sufficiently developed

Vucic also expressed his gratitude for the principled position of Moldova not to recognize unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, and for the country's support on this issue in regional and international organizations.

Milivojevic: Once Vucic reveals plan for Kosovo, SNS rating to go below 40 percent (TV N1)

Authorities are getting ready for early elections, while the opposition pursues campaign of an active boycott. Opposition aims to fight for more equal electoral conditions and then they would consider whether to take part in the election or not, analyst Cvjetin Milivojevic told TV N1, commenting on the recent political situation in Serbia.

On the other side, analyst Dragomir Andjelkovic does not think Serbia is on the verge of an early elections, however it may get there soon. He also noted opposition is now striving to get better starting positions.

"Not time for protests, talks with Kosovo more important" (Tanjug, B92, VoA)

Director of the Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies Jelena Milic said the time is not right for opposition protests in Serbia. Milic also said that now is not the moment because the finalization of negotiations with Pristina, which should be completed as soon as possible, is in the interest of the security of the whole region and should currently have priority.

Djuric on Haradinaj’s statement: This is not 1999 (Tanjug)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Marko Djuric commenting on statement of Kosovo PM Ramush Haradinaj that border correction suits only Russian President and anyone who opens the issue of borders is an enemy to the Albanian people, said that we are not in 1999, Tanjug news agency reports.

Dacic: I've been around world 25 times campaigning for Serbia (TV Pink, B92)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says now is the right time internationally to make progress in resolving the Kosovo issue. He pointed out that Albanians are delaying and waiting for these circumstances to change.

Dacic told TV Pink that it is a question what will happen in the US after the next presidential election and whether an administration that is not favorable for Serbian interests will return to power.

Trepca: Between sufferance and arbitration (RTS, Radio Belgrade)

Majority of actions that Pristina can conduct against Trepca-North have already been experienced. Director Jovan Dimkic thinks the goal is to economically destroy the model according to which “Trepca” operates. He does not expect, however, physical violence, RTS reports.

Legal expert Dr. Dusko Celic opined that the international arbitration can be a solution if the shareholders file a complaint. If it would be done by the state of Serbia, it could prejudge Kosovo’s status, Celic warned in an interview to Radio Belgrade.

Russia reacts on Britain accepting “Kosovo army” (RTS, TASS, Tanjug)

Commenting on a statement of British Ambassador to UN, Karen Pierce, who at the latest UNSC session on Kosovo said that “Pristina has a right to have an army,” Russian Embassy in London reacted assessing that the Great Britain and other Western states ignore the threat that forming of the so-called Kosovo army could represent to the Serbian population in Kosovo and Metohija.