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Jovanovic: Surrender of Kosovo and Metohija would open issues of Raska and Vojvodina (Danas, BETA)

Leader of the opposition Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) Milos Jovanovic said that surrender of Kosovo and Metohija would soon open the issues of Raska district, south of central Serbia and Vojvodina province, BETA news agency reports.

He made these remarks at DSS gathering in Kraljevo town, adding the future generations would have to deal with geopolitical issues in this case, instead of with economy and development of Serbia.

“Frozen conflict situation should be maintained, which means there is no final political solution at this moment,” Jovanovic underlined.

Odalovic: International and domestic public to raise their voices (TV Pink, Tanjug, Dnevnik)

After the former Council of Europe Special Rapporteur on organ trafficking allegations in Kosovo, Dick Marty in an interview with the Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti said that he was told the evidence on the “Yellow House” was concealed, Chairman of the Serbian Government Missing Persons Commission and Secretary General at the Foreign Ministry, Veljko Odalovic said that the international and domestic public should raise their voices against this, Tanjug news agency reported.

Patriarch Irinej: Unity and not quarrels needed for Kosovo (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Irinej said Serbian society needs unity in order to preserve and defend Kosovo, since it would not be defended by quarrels, B92 reports.

Following the ceremony held in the Vracar (Belgrade) Municipality, on the occasion of Saint Sava Day, Patriarch Irinej said Serbs are a small nation, and must be united in order to survive.

“Unity is a foundation of our Church and state. The union of Church and the state kept us, and if we didn’t have it, we would have vanished as a nation,” Patriarch Irinej noted.

"Whoever deals with us, has their career destroyed" (Tanjug, B92)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said that the resignation of US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Wess Mitchell was " bad news." As Dacic stated, Mitchell understood that the US should open a door to a compromise between Belgrade and Pristina.

"Clearly it's a curse posting. Whoever deals with us, has their political career ruined," Dacic told reporters in Belgrade. Dacic had also had a remark concerning the fate of the EU.

Taxes declined by half export of goods from CEFTA states to Kosovo (RTS)

Decision of the Kosovo Government to introduce 100 percent taxes on the goods from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina influenced a rapid decline in the distribution of these products to the market in Kosovo, while there was an increase in distribution of goods from Macedonia and Albania, RTS reports today.

According to Kosovo Statistics Office data, the total import of goods in Kosovo for the month of December in 2018 was approximately 303 million euro, while the import from CEFTA states was 42,3 million euro, which is a decline by 46.8 percent compared to the same month in 2017.

Vucic: I hope, however, I am reserved towards signals on lifting taxes (Tanjug, Dnevnik, TV Pink)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic voiced today reservation towards signals from Pristina on the possible revocation of 100 percent tax imposed on goods from central Serbia, Tanjug news agency reports.

“I do not believe they would easily revoke the tax, but I hope they would do so,” Vucic told journalists in Davos.

He noted the pressure of the international community against the taxes is growing, but recalled that Pristina demonstrated many times it does not honour agreements, and his experience showed Albanian politicians cannot be trusted.

Jeremic on Vucic, Kosovo, change of borders (Danas, Der Standard)

Leader of Peoples’ Party Vuk Jeremic in an interview to Vienna-based Der Standard said that Serbia is no longer a democratic state but “a corrupted autocracy” in which the President of the Republic grabbed all leverages of power, while he secretly negotiates on redrawing the borders in the region, Danas daily reports.

Russia responds to Pacolli: Unrecognized recognize unrecognized (RTS)

Russian Deputy Ambassador to UN, Dmitry Polyanskiy on Twitter commented on the decision of Kosovo to recognize Juan Guaido as interim president of Venezuela. In response to Kosovo FM Behgjet Pacolli’s announcement, Polyanskiy wrote “unrecognized recognize unrecognized. The world is trembling with fear,” RTS reports.