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"Ivanovic was followed; cameras were off during his murder" (B92, Slobodno Srpski)

The first associate of Oliver Ivanovic, Ksenija Bozovic, says the GI SDP leader, who was shot and killed on January 16, was being followed.

Bozovic also told Budimir Nikic during the Slobodno Srpski program that the entire investigation process is being "watered down."

The website KoSSev is reporting that Bozovic stressed she had given her statement about the murder twice, while only one unofficial call came from the prosecution in Belgrade, which is also conducting an investigation.

Braathu: The Serbian List has performed its duties and enabled a quorum (KoSSev)

Ambassador of Norway in Kosovo, Jan Braathu was a guest of the Free Serbian (Slobodno Srpski) where he said that in this situation all are losers, because Kosovo’s reputation was damaged.

"The efforts that have been made in the last 8 years, to try to build the image of Kosovo, which was more positive, I would say realistically positive, is very much damaged," said Braathu, when he was asked about violence in recent months.