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Sputnik: Five Serbian lists in the Kosovo elections (Danas)

Danas reports on Sputnik article saying that most likely five Serbian parties or groupings would participate in the Kosovo's elections. Sputnik says for the campaign nearly a half million euros.

Sputnik adds that it never has been that much money for those taking part in the elections because all participants will get for the campaign almost a million euros of the Kosovo budget; precisely - 942,573 euros.

Vučić: Are you threatening us again! (Sputnik)

Aleksandar Vučić, prime minister and elected president of Serbia, told Sputnik, on the occasion of yesterday's statement by the former head of the Verification Mission of the OSCE in Kosovo, William Walker that he has the project for "the unification of Albanians in Albania, Kosovo and in the Diaspora", the whole world has evidence on a silver platter about William Walker as lobbyist of the Greater Albania and that he as the head of the OSCE in Kosovo had advocated for the realization of this project.

'Logical Cooperation': Serbia to Join Russia-Led Defense Bloc in War Games (Sputnik)

Later this year, Serbia will take part in Collective Security Treaty Organization drills as a full-fledged member for the first time; the other six nations which comprise the regional military alliance are all close Russian allies and former Soviet republics.

"We've been redrawing borders too - think of Kosovo" (B92, Sputnik)

French presidential candidate Francois Fillon mentioned the issue of Kosovo when he spoke about Crimea joining Russia.

“We have changed borders ourselves. Kosovo, for example. We think that because we are westerners everything is allowed to us - we can enter Iraq, we can bring order to any corner of the world... There is a fundamental principle of the right of people to decide for themselves. There are borders that have been established in a way, unacceptable for people,” Fillon said.

Thaçi offers his resignation to avoid trial (Sputnik, KIM radio)

Sputnik says that President of Kosovo Hashim Thaçi offered the ''international community'' his resignation to avoid the trial before the Court for the KLA crimes, and cites assessment of political analyst from Pristina, Behlul Beqaj who said that this could be one of the three possible options.

Sputnik recalls that Thaçi mentioned his resignation at the moment when he insisted on the formation of the army of Kosovo, though Washington and NATO opposed.

Russian experts: "Crimea for Kosovo" deal won't happen (B92, Vesti, RTS, Sputnik)

Russia will not recognize Kosovo - Moscow does not and never will barter with Serbia's territorial integrity, say Russian experts.

Sputnik is reporting that this reaction came in the wake of claims made by western analysts that "Russia could recognize Kosovo in order to reach a deal with the US."

Russian experts say that such statements look like an attempt of their Western counterparts to "drive a wedge" between Russia and Serbia.

"Montenegro and Kosovo in dispute over Serbian territory" (B92, Sputnik)

Montenegro has unfortunately recognized Kosovo as independent, and now Podgorica and Pristina are in dispute over a piece of territory that belongs to neither.

This is what Milovan Drecun (SNS), chairman of the Serbian Assembly's Committee on Kosovo and Metohija, has told Sputnik.

Instead this territory - the subject of a contentious demarcation agreement - belongs to the Republic of Serbia, Drecun said.