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Djuric: Ivanovic's murder will be discussed in the Brussels dialogue (Blic, Srna, Sputnik)

Director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric says that the murder of Oliver Ivanovic's must be resolved and that this will be discussed in Brussels Dialogue, reports Serbian media, quoting Sputnik.

"Our authorities will continue the investigation and will demand a more intensive cooperation. This is something we will talk about in the coming period in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, as well.''

Milincic: EU strategy is not friendly (TV N1)

Sputnik in Serbian, Editor-in-Chief, Ljubinka Milincic told TV N1 that the EU Enlargement Strategy for Western Balkans is not friendly towards Serbia, and it would be the best if they let Belgrade and Pristina reach an agreement on their own.

She also commented on a statement of the EU Commissioner for Enlargement Negotiations and Neighborhood Policy, Johannes Hahn that there is no draft of the legally binding agreement, paper remains blank and depends upon future negotiations.

Compromise with Pristina unlikely this year – Vucic (B92, Sputnik, Beta)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic says he supports the dialogue with Pristina and is hoping for a compromise solution.

But Vucic, speaking for Sputnik in Davos, added that he did not have much hope that this would happen by the end of 2018.

Russians and Chinese help Serbs in lawsuit against NATO

Lawyer Srdjan Aleksic, one of the initiators of a lawsuit against NATO, would travel to Moscow on 19 October to attend the Assembly of the Russian International Lawyers Association, Sputnik reports today.

Aleksic said he has already received support from the Russian and Chinese colleagues to prepare a lawsuit against NATO, but also from the lawyers from some EU countries so the international team is slowly being prepared.

Albanian lobbyists, Clinton Foundation drafting resolution to make Pristina UN observer (InSerbia, Sputnik, B92)

Following the announcement of internal dialogue on Kosovo, Albanian lobbyists are busily preparing a resolution for the UN in order to give Kosovo a chair.

According to Sputnik, lobbyists in America are working on the draft, helped by the Clinton Foundation, and their plan is for Kosovo to gain the status of “an observer state,” modeled after Palestine.

SLS reaction to the Sputnik's article: Inaccurate and malicious information (KIM radio, KoSSev, RTK2)

The Independent Liberal Party (SLS) reacted today to the Sputnik's text "Secret Recipe for the Kosovo Army", that media in Belgrade and in Kosovo quoted.

According to the SLS announcement, "some media, after the elections, continue to publish false and malicious information about some Serb politicians who are not part of the Serbian List."

B92: Sputnik writes about "secret recipe for Kosovo army" (Sputnik, KIM radio)

Alongside the negotiations on forming a parliamentary majority in Pristina, preparations are being made to transform the Kosovo Security Force into an army.

Sputnik is reporting it learned unofficially that the formation of the Kosovo army will be an item of the agenda of a future government, and of the Assembly in Pristina.

Vučić: Personnel withdrawn due to offensive intelligence (Beta, B92, Sputnik)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said today that it was decided to withdraw embassy staff from FYROM because the competent authorities provided evidence of very offensive intelligence against the bodies and institutions of Serbia.

Vučić told reporters in Baric, near Belgrade, that there were several reasons for that decision, but that "competent authorities" had established this and presented to him and the Government of Serbia evidence of such action.

Pristina admits: Quarter of citizens in Kosovo are Serbs (Sputnik)

Irregularities the international community noted during the extraordinary parliamentary elections in Kosovo, made Pristina enable Serbs to get the Kosovo documents, that would significantly increase the number of Serb voters in Kosovo, Sputnik reported.

Number of around100.000 Serbs who had the right to vote in the concluded extraordinary elections in Kosovo, could double following the entry into force of an administrative instruction simplifying procedures to get the Kosovo documents, upon proposal of the Civil Registry Agency in Pristina.

This is what Srpska Lista will not negotiate about (Sputnik)

Srpska Lista will not join the Pristina government at all costs, nor will it stay there. In expectation to form the Kosovo Assembly, verify MPs’ mandates and elect the Assembly Speaker, Srpska Lista that enters the Kosovo Assembly as a political party, has clear goals, it knows what it will not accept, Sputnik reported.

Sputnik further learned Srpska Lista has already prepared “a package” to deliver it to the Kosovo Government when the time comes.