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Dacic: With diplomats I deal diplomatically (Serbian media)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says he will always react when someone speaks lies before the international community, reports Serbian media.

“I reacted like any honourable man would to a lie,” Dacic said to Belgrade based TV Pink, adding “what does anyone care what someone said after the session, did anyone listen to what was said afterwards”.

Serbia's Minister of Culture wrote to UNESCO: Falsification of the Truth about the Orthodox Church in Novo Brdo (Serbian media)

Vladan Vukosavljevic, Serbia's Minister of Culture and Information, warned UNESCO on Wednesday about the state of Serbia’s cultural heritage in Kosovo, following "the forgery of the historical facts about the Serb Orthodox St. Nikola's church in Novo Brdo," the FoNet news agency reported.

In a letter to UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay, Vukosavljevic listed "a permanent" attacks on Serb monuments and the forgery of history, especially since the declaration of Kosovo's independence in 2008.

Serbian FM Dacic to VoA: Pristina preparing operation to take over Trepca (Serbian media)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told Voice of America, after a UN Security Council session devoted to the latest UNMIK report on the situation in Kosovo, that the authorities in Pristina are planning to take over the Trepca mining complex and are setting explosive devices in the north of Kosovo.

US says Kosovo police operation legal, Russia demands apology from Pristina (FoNet, N1)

The UK, the US and Germany called on the UN Security Council during the Monday's meeting on Kosovo, to strategically revise the UNMIK mission, praising it for the job done so far, while Russia demanded an apology from Pristina for the treatment of its UN member, the FoNet news agency reported on Monday.

The US representative said Washington was concerned about the tensions between Pristina and Belgrade, adding both sides should go back to the dialogue on normalisation of relations.

UNMIK chief before the UNSC on Kosovo: The situation is fragile, can easily deteriorate (Serbian media)

"The leaders of all parties must act responsibly and direct the situation away from the escalation, to lead to the conditions for the continuation of the dialogue," Tanin said at a session devoted to the new report on the work of the UN mission in Kosovo, Serbian media reported.

Speaking of the arrest of members of UNMIK during the ROSU unit’s operation of May 28, Tanin said that the Kosovo authorities violated a series of international regulations, quoted Serbian media.

Vucic: I’m for demarcation with Kosovo, people are not (Serbian media)

In an interview with the Belgrade-based Prva TV, Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic said he believed the demarcation with Kosovo was “absolutely the healthiest solution for Serbia and the Serbs,” but added the people would not accept it, the Beta news agency reported on Thursday.

Vucic said a referendum on the issue would be held if he had something to tell the people, but that currently there was no suggestion.

UNMIK: Kosovo Police's allegations about our staff are contrary to what we know, procedures and their rights violated, excessive use of force (KoSSev)

''The information presented by the Kosovo Police in its own latest press release is not at all in line with our information on the events, and no concrete evidence has so far been shared with the United Nations by relevant Kosovo police and other Kosovo authorities,'' replied UNMIK to Kossev portal's question on the Zubin Potok events.

Vucic: ''Goal of Pristina is arrest of the commander Zeljko Bojic'' (Serbian media)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said today to journalists, after visiting the military gymnasium in Belgrade, that the ultimate goal of Pristina is the arrest of Kosovo police commander for northern Kosovo Zeljko Bojic, Serbian media reported.

CEC rejected the candidacy of the Serbian List representatives (Serbian media)

Central Election Commission confirmed the candidacies of representatives of the Democratic Party of Kosovo and the Self-Determination Movement, but not the representatives of the Serbian List, reports Serbian media.

According to RTS, members of the Election Commission from the Self-Determination Movement abstained during the voting and thus prevented the acceptance of the Serbian List candidate in this decision-making circle.