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Special court to begin work with temporary agreement (Telegrafi/RFE)

The Netherlands Ambassador to Kosovo, Gerrie Willems, told Radio Free Europe that special court for war crimes can begin work with a temporary agreement for its headquarters, until the approval of the agreement signed between Kosovo and the Netherlands by the Dutch Parliament. “The Dutch Parliament must still approve the agreement for the headquarters of this court. The duration of parliamentary proceedings is determined by the Parliament itself.

Negligence of state authorities led to establishment of special court (Kosovapress)

Although members of the Kosovo Assembly have already voted in favor of the establishment of the special court, legal experts in Pristina argue that this was a great mistake and an injustice vis-a-vis the state and people of Kosovo. According to these experts, Kosovo’s institutions should have conducted investigations into war crimes allegations.

Thaçi: Those indicted by special court must surrender (Dialog Plus)

Kosovo’s President, Hashim Thaçi, during an interview with Austrian Press Agency said that all those that will be indicted by the special court for war crimes, must surrender to justice, even if they are politicians. The news site reports that during the interview, Thaçi avoided the question whether he would continue to hold the post of the President if an indictment against him would be filed. He said he does not want to prejudge anything or give statements that would affect the judicial process.

EULEX stays in Kosovo (Politika)

Regardless of the fact that the agreement between Pristina authorities and the European Union on the extension of EULEX mission was not reached, the mandate of the mission, which will expire on 14 June, will be extended. “The practice from the previous years was that mandate of the mission is extended by the President’s letter. I think that will happen also this year.  Kosovo president will send the letter, according to which will be accepted the extension of the mission’s mandate for two more years,” said political analyst Dušan Janjić.

Arrests after Special Court indictments will cause a political earthquake (Blic)

Pristina lawyer Tome Gashi said that the arrests following the Special Court indictments for crimes of the former KLA, which could be expected in October, will cause earthquakes in the political scene of Kosovo. “The political scene of Kosovo will be shaken when the first arrests are made. Former Chief Prosecutor of the EU Special Investigative Task Force Clint Williamson said that some indictments were prepared,” said Gashi for daily Kosova sot.

New Kosovo War Court Awaits Dutch MPs’ Approval (Balkan Insight)

The Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor’s Office, as the new Kosovo war crimes court will be called, is still awaiting final approval from MPs in the Netherlands, where it will be based, and for its funding from the EU to arrive before it can start work, BIRN has learned.

The Kosovo and the Netherlands governments signed an agreement in January which enabled the court’s chambers and prosecutor’s office to be located in The Hague.

Thaci: Dialogue with Serbia should lead to mutual recognition (

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, participated today at “Fol hapur” (Speak Openly) forum organized by “FOL”movement.

He stated that dialogue with Serbia in Brussels should take another direction in order not to become a routine. “Kosovo has correct relations with Serbia and dialogue in Brussels should not become routine and these discussions should take another course and conclude with reciprocal recognition,” Thaci said.

Dick Marty speaks as potential KLA crimes witness is shot (B92, Alo, KIM radio, Vesti)

Dick Marty has warned that "some people" who were to testify before a new court for KLA crimes "have already been killed."

The Swiss Senator and former Council of Europe (CoE) Special Rapporteur spoke a day after the killing of Bedri Curri, a former KLA member and potential witness for the court. Curri's body was found last week near Glogovac in Kosovo.