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What Kouchner knows about Thaci? (RTS)

With regards to the recent information that former defender of Thaci, and first UNMIK chief Bernard Kouchner, may be a witness against  the current Kosovo President before the Special Court for KLA crimes, Hashim Thaci said in The Hague that he supports the work of the court, adding that it is an opportunity for Kosovo, not a punishment. Bernard Kouchner, head of UNMIK from July 1999 to 2001 shook his head in disagreement when previously asked about organ trafficking from the Yellow House by a VoA correspondent.

Kouchner, a witness against Thaci? (Vecernje Novosti)

The first head of UNMIK, Bernard Kouchner could be a potential witness against Hashim Thaci, who is likely to be indicted by the Special Court for war crimes in Kosovo - reported the Paris daily "Le Figaro" on Wednesday. Previously, the French agency AFP, had reported that Thaci could be among the accused before the special court for KLA crimes by the end of the year, citing an unnamed western diplomat.

Thaci: We only violated dictator Milosevic's laws (Telegrafi/Die Presse)

Kosovo’s President-elect Hashim Thaci has ruled out claims that he could have been involved in war crimes committed during the Kosovo conflict again.

Serbian media are reporting that refugees are travelling through Kosovo to Central Europe. Is there a new refugee route here?

Special Court affects Hashim and Kosovo equally (Gazeta Blic)

According to Beqe Cufaj the number of news reports about Hashim Thaci’s election for president was minor and all the published reports mentioned organized crime, corruption, the time when he led rebels and the time he was under Rugova’s shadow. They especially mentioned Dick Marty’s report and the special court, which might even raise charges against Thaci.

Western diplomat: Thaci could be indicted for war crimes this year (Koha)

As he gets ready to take on the post of Kosovo president, Hashim Thaci is facing mounting speculation of whether he could be summoned to the court due to open in The Hague this year, trying crimes allegedly committed by senior KLA members, Koha writes quoting an AFP report. The president-elect has expressed his “full support” for the new war crimes court, despite a question mark hanging over whether he himself will be indicted.

Next Kosovo president says 'nothing to hide' from war crimes court (AFP)

Pristina (AFP) - Kosovo's president-elect has pledged to "fully support" a new war crimes court prosecuting members of the guerrilla group he once led -- despite a question mark hanging over whether he himself will be indicted.

Hashim Thaci, elected by parliament in February as the next head of state, made his name as political leader of the ethnic Albanian Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), which fought against Serbia for independence in the late 1990s.

Thaci: Current crisis, only temporary (Zeri/Gazeta Shqiptare)

Kosovo’s President-elect, Hashim Thaci, in an interview with Albania-based newspaper Gazeta Shqiptare, said the recent crisis in Kosovo is only temporary and that every democracy went through such phases. “We are a young country and it will take some time for us to adjust our political culture with the advanced democratic system,” Thaci said, adding that as Kosovo President, he will work to strengthen democracy and rule of law in Kosovo.

Chief Prosecutor David Schwendiman: Thaci is not immune to penal prosecution (Insajderi)

The Chief Prosecutor of the Special Investigative Task Force (SIFT), that was initiated on the basis of allegations by Dick Marty, David Schwendiman, said to Insjaderi that “the prosecution initiated by the Special Investigative Task Force will continue. This investigation is not affected by the voting on Friday."

Simic: I expect formation of the court and the prosecution of responsible people (Kontakt Plus Radio)

President of the Serbian List Slavko Simić said that he expects acceleration of the process of establishment of the Special Court for war crimes committed by the KLA and prosecution of the persons responsible for atrocities in Kosovo and Metohija. “On Friday, at an extraordinary session of the Assembly in Pristina, we avoided a deepening of political crisis by the election of the Kosovo president. Therefore, I expect acceleration of many processes in Kosovo and thus the process of forming a Special Court for war crimes," he said.