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Thaci calls elections, Belgrade silent - what does it mean? (BETA, Tanjug, Prva TV, TV Most, B92)

Hashim Thaci on Monday called elections for mayors of four Serb municipalities in northern Kosovo and Metohija. For now, Serbia has not reacted, while the Serb List expects consultations with the President Aleksandar Vucic tomorrow, Serbian media report.

Journalist Milivoje Mihajlovic thinks that by calling these elections, Thaci expects this to cause unrest - a spiral of protests and violence in the north of the southern Serbian province.

“Conditions for holding elections do not exist” (Radio KIM)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci announced extraordinary mayoral elections in northern Kosovo on 19 May.

Deputy Leader of Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP) Ksenija Bozovic thinks that conditions for holding elections do not exist, while RTV Mir Director Nenad Radosavljevic said elections are yet another game that may cause instability, Radio KIM reports.

Ischinger: We are miles away from solution to Kosovo issue (Politika)

German expert for Balkans Wolfgang Ischinger, creator of a plan to resolve the Kosovo issue based on model of two Germany, told the Belgrade-based daily Politika that solution to the Kosovo issue is not nearby.

He added he would be the first one to welcome if there would be a plan widely supported in the Serbian society and the Parliament as well as that the plan is also equally accepted in Kosovo. Then according to Ischinger there would be presumptions in place not to create a gun powder pot and new problems.

Mutual accusations by Belgrade and Pristina over Ivanovic’s murder (B92, Radio kontakt plus)

Political representatives of Belgrade and Pristina exchanged again mutual accusations related to the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, Radio kontakt plus reports.

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric accused Kosovo leaders for the murder of Ivanovic. Djuric added “there are more and more indicators pointing out that Kosovo President Hashim Thaci, Kosovo Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli and current Pristina authorities are behind the murder of one of the Kosovo Serbs leaders Oliver Ivanovic.”

Kosovo police reacts on “Steel Ring” exercise reports, Simic comments too (Tanjug, B92)

Kosovo police has reacted to the information that Pristina authorities launched “Steel Ring” action, Tanjug news agency reported. The action implies blockades on the roads and checks of people and vehicles.

Asked by Tanjug news agency if it is true that Pristina has activated police units in order to block the alternative roads from central Serbia and what is the reason for it,  the police spokesperson Baki Kelani responded “that there is nothing concrete” and the police works to prevent organized crime and smuggling, undertaking actions based on legal authorization.

Dveri MPs almost caused incident in Serbian Parliament over Kosovo (BETA)

Member of opposition Alliance for Serbia (SzS) Dveri Movement MPs Bosko Obradovic and Marija Janusevic raised the banners saying, “No Division, No Surrender”, “You Betrayed Kosovo” and “Kosovo is Serbia” at the beginning of a meeting of the Serbian National Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, BETA news agency reported. The banners also included “One in Five Million” slogan used by the civic protests across Serbia.

Alliance for Serbia: Vucic confirmed he is one step away from agreement on delineation (Danas, BETA)

The Alliance for Serbia (SzS) stated yesterday that President Aleksandar Vucic with his statement to Italian news agency ANSA, saying “Serbia cannot recognize Kosovo, and get nothing in return,” confirmed he is just a step away from “a private arrangement” to permanently delineate Serbia with Kosovo, Danas daily reports.

Srpska Lista: Thaci proved that case against Radoicic is political persecution (KoSSev)

Srpska Lista has reacted following Kosovo President, Hashim Thaci’s statement that “those who helped Milosevic and are friends with Radoicic – whom I expelled from Kosovo“ are talking about the partition. The largest Kosovo Serb party assessed Thaci’s statement as “a public and open confession that the case against Radoicic is political persecution,“ KoSSev portal reported.

Brnabic: Statements from Pristina have no links with reality (Tanjug, RTS)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said the statements of Pristina authorities that Kosovo would get three central Serbia municipalities have no links with reality and common sense, RTS reports.

She told them to try to get back to reality and understand what the rules of behavior in XXI century are.

“Belgrade to outline what is measure of compromise” (RTS)

The weeks ahead are crucial for Pristina’s decision on the tariffs, Centre for Foreign Policy Director Dragan Djukanovic told RTS. He added Belgrade at this moment should fortify its position and outline what it expects to be a measure of a compromise.

Djukanovic also expects that in the coming months there would be a significant intensification of Belgrade-Pristina normalization of relations process. He also noted an additional pressure would be exerted on Pristina in order to revoke the tariffs and open the way to continue the dialogue.