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CDHRF: Serb voters “terrorized” by Serbia (media)

The Kosovo-based Council for Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) said in a statement that Serb voters are being “terrorized” by the Serbian List and the government in Belgrade and that the Kosovo authorities are not doing anything to protect them.

CDHRF argued for the expulsion of the Serbian List from the election process and involvement of the prosecution into the party’s call for “lynching” of those who do not vote for it.

Union of Kosovo Montenegrins complains of intimidation (Koha)

The Union of Kosovo Montenegrins accused the Serbian List of exercising intimidation and even physical violence against members of the Kosovo Serb and Montenegrin communities.  In a statement to the press, the Union of Kosovo Montenegrins condemned recent cases of intimidation ahead of elections saying that “the Serbian List is the biggest enemy of the Orthodox population in Kosovo.” the Union also called on law enforcement authorities to protect the citizens from, as it said, Serbian List “bandits”.

Petrović: If we wanted, we could support the establishment of an Army (KIM radio)

President of the Independent Liberal Party (SLS) Slobodan Petrović responded on increasingly frequent statements by representatives of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija and the Serbian List that in the case of support to other candidates it would mean the vote for an army of Kosovo, by calling them 'false and insane', reports KIM radio.

Movement of Socialists: Pristina wants to prevent Vulin to be with the Serbs in Kosovo (Blic)

Socialist Movement believes that this decision of Pristina is a shameful and calculated one, to not allow the President of Movement of Socialists Aleksandar Vulin to reside in Kosovo and so prevent him to be with the Serbs in Kosovo.

"They failed so far, they will not succeed and in the future. The Agreement on Movement of Serbian officials is most severely violated, we urge the European Union to respond and sanction the outrageous conduct of Pristina", it was said in a statement of the party, reports daily Blic.

Serbs protested in Leposavić/Leposaviq because of the behaviour of Aleksandar Jablanović (MMagazin, Danas, KoSSev)


Media portal NMagazin reports that more people gathered in Leposavić/Leposaviq, and protested against the incident in which the leader of the Party of Kosovo Serbs (PKS) Aleksandar Jablanović pulled a gun and threatened activists of the Serbian list in front of the police station.

Protest was joined by the President of the Interim Authority in Leposavić Zoran Todić, who has called for a peaceful gathering.

Serbian List: One condition - that there is no Kosovo army (media)

President of the Serbian List Slavko Simic rejects that Serb representatives had "four conditions for the transformation of the Kosovo Security Forces into an army." Thus Simic has denied the statement of the outgoing Minister of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) Haki Demolli, reports Serbian media.

Demolli told Klan Kosova TV that the Serbian List had four conditions to vote in favour of KSF transformation into an army.

Đurić: Elections of fateful importance for the future of the Serbian people (Danas, N1)

In Kosovo on June 11 are scheduled elections of fateful importance for the Serbian people in Kosovo and only the Serbian list can guarantee that an army of Kosovo will not be formed, this was said at a press conference after a meeting of representatives of the Serbian List and Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić, writes Danas daily.

Coalition of Serb political parties and registering on election lists (RTK)

The leader of the Kosovo Serbs’ Party, Aleksandar Jablanovic, stated that his party has agreed for pre-election coalition with the Active Civic Initiative, led by Vuk Vukojevic, with its base in Mitrovica.

Jablanovic stated for Serbian media that the leadership of his party will submit on Friday the list of the candidates for parliamentary elections, which will be held on 11 June.