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Today's operation: Arrests related to murder of two UNMIK police officers in 2004 (Gazeta Express)

Dozens of EULEX police members surrounded this morning village Koshovice, Podujevo municipality, regarding a 13 year old case. Sources within EULEX told Gazeta Express that today’s raids are related to the murder of two UNMIK police officers in 2004 and attempted murder of two others.

“There are also arrested individuals for possession of arms,” said the source.

Tanin: Only UN Security Council can shut down UNMIK (various media)

The Committee for Foreign Affairs, met today with Zahir Tanin, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General. After the meeting which lasted more than two hours, Tanin said to the media that UNMIK is a decision of the Security Council and that this is the reason why they are here. He also said that they will be in Kosovo as long as the Security Council wants them to be.

Haradinaj: I might not be released tomorrow (Gazeta Express)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, said during a telephone conversation with Gazeta Express that he might not be released by the Colmar court tomorrow. He said that theoretically, this court might not decide for his release. However his message for his supporters is to remain calm, being that justice is on his side.

Gazeta Express: Border demarcation deal to be sent to Assembly this week

The government of Kosovo is expected to resubmit the border demarcation agreement to the Assembly this week, reports the news website quoting sources from the government. This will pave way for the presidency of the Assembly to include the border demarcation agreement on the agenda for one of the upcoming sessions in March. The voting is expected to take place days after the EU High Representative for Security and Foreign Policy, Federica Mogherini, visits Kosovo.

Hoxha: All cases of sexual violence during the war in Kosovo will be enlightened (Gazeta Express)

Kosovo’s Minister of Justice, Dhurata Hoxha, together with the Special Prosecutor Drita Hajdari and heads of the associations which deal with the victims of sexual abuse during the war as well as institutional officials involved in the same issue, gathered today at the Ministry of Justice.

Haradinaj’s French lawyer: Serbia’s request for extradition, not refused yet (Gazeta Express)

Ramush Haradinaj’s lawyer, Rachel Lindon, said for the French media immediately after Haradinaj’s release on bail, that the request for his extradition to Serbia should be rejected by the French justice. She informed that this requests has not been refused yet.

Rachel Lindon said that the decision of the court undoubtedly showed result for annulation of the INTERPOL arrest warrant, adding that there is no room for its existence any more. “The request for Haradinaj’s extradition should be refused,” Lindon said.

Government confirms: Jevtic is no longer a minister (Gazeta Express)

Citing sources in the Kosovo government, the news website reports that Local Government Minister, Mirjana Jevtic, has resigned from her post. “The decision has been sent to the office of the secretary. Tomorrow the decision could be sent to the Office of the Prime Minister and he will be officially notified about her resignation,” the source added. Slavko Simic, leader of the Serbian List, confirmed Jevtic’s resignation on Thursday.

Ymeri: We will not leave a stone unturned to bring justice for Astrit in place (Gazeta Express)

The leader of the Vetëvendosje movement, Visar Ymeri, spoke today at the commemoration ceremony held for the Vetëvendosje activist, Astrit Dehari. He said that Denhari was arrested  during a terrorizing action, without any evidence or fact. “The police and the prosecution deceived and lied everyone,” said Ymeri and pledged to bring justice in place and enlighten the circumstances of Dehari’s death. “We will not leave a stone unturned to bring justice in place for Astrit, and everyone in this country,” Ymeri said.

Nitaj: Even if Serbian List leaves, AAK not interested to enter coalition (Gazeta Express)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) spokesperson, Muharrem Nitaj, told the news site that even if the Serbian List leaves the ruling-coalition, the AAK will not accept any possible invitations to enter this coalition. However, Nitaj said “the current government has failed and the AAK cannot be part of it.” He stressed that AAK has no conditions in order to become part of the government. “It is not a matter of conditions, but concept. The only solution is to agree about early elections.