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Jeremic: Vucic and Thaci agreed on army (Danas, RTV Kursumlija, FoNet)

Leader of Peoples’ Party Vuk Jeremic told RTV Kursumlija that forming of “Kosovo army” is scandalous, and the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic bears a great proportion of the blame for it, since, according to Jeremic, Vucic agreed with Thaci on the army, on November 4, in Rome, “in the EU Mission in Vatican.”

“This is a grand treason, Vucic must be held responsible for,” Jeremic said, adding “Srpska Lista would bring the Kosovo Government down, if this is not true.”

Jeremic: Vucic and Thaci met in Rome (BETA, B92)

Leader of Peoples’ Party Vuk Jeremic said a high diplomatic source from an EU country told him that Aleksandar Vucic and Hashim Thaci met in Rome on November 4, BETA news agency reports.

According to Jeremic, Vucic and Thaci agreed there to raise taxes on the goods from central Serbia.

Speaking to the journalists in Kragujevac city, Jeremic further noted everything that came out from raising taxes on the Serbian goods, all tensions that are for the time being kept under control, are planned to remain controlled.

Campaign against leader of People’s Party Vuk Jeremic, identical to one led against Oliver Ivanovic (KoSSEv)

Serbian Progressive Party deputy, Marko Parezanovic, tweeted in early November, with a photograph of opposition leaders Vuk Jeremic and Slavisa Ristic from Zubin Potok in front of an Orthodox monastery in Kosovo: “I suppose Slavisa (Ristic) explained to him what kind of politics he should be leading, so that he does not meet the same fate as Djindjic,” KoSSev portal reported.

Jeremic: Flag of Kosovo in Notre-Dame do not affect them; diplomatic and media 'blitzkrieg' in 2019 (Danas)

National People's Party leader Vuk Jeremic said that Kosovo flag in Notre-Dame do not 'affect too much' the state top of Serbia, reports Belgrade based daily Danas.

He also said that representative of Kosovo would not have been invited to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War, if the "performance" of Aleksandar Vucic and Hashim Thaci was not foreseen for this occasion.

Jeremic: We should not accept Vucic’s game (BETA, B92, KoSSev)

Leader of Peoples’ Party Vuk Jeremic said it is wrong to insist on hasty solutions to the Kosovo issue, respectively, to willingly accept redrawing of borders based on ethnic principle, BETA news agency reported. Jeremic added such solutions cannot be sustainable on the long term.

Commenting on a potential referendum on Kosovo, Jeremic noted he believes Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will not miss a chance “to hide behind peoples’ will” and that he would call for extraordinary elections and, in this way, “try to simulate peoples’ support for his agreement with Hashim Thaci.”

Jeremic: Serbia close to agreement with Kosovo (BETA, TV N1)

Serbian opposition People’s Party leader Vuk Jeremic said today that Belgrade has never been closer to an agreement with Pristina, BETA news agency reports.

Serbia has never been closer to demarcation with Kosovo, he said, adding that a legally binding agreement to normalize Belgrade-Pristina relations will be signed in 2019 unless someone prevents the Serbian authorities from doing so.

Jeremic: Delineation between Kosovo and Serbia in 2019 (FoNet, RTS)

Leader of Peoples’ Party (NS) Vuk Jeremic claims that Serbian President is rushing the negotiations on delineation and the agreement between Vucic and Kosovo President Hashim Thaci should be announced in the first quarter of 2019, FoNet news agency reports.

“Delineation means that 90 percent of the territory of Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija would remain on the other side, plus parts of Southern Serbia, Albanians call Presevo valley,” Jeremic said at the event to mark one year since the establishment of NS party.

"Kosovo referendum, early elections? Nonsense" (BETA, B92)

Aleksandar Vucic has denied Vuk Jeremic's allegations that he plans to hold a referendum on Kosovo and early parliamentary elections on November 4.

The president then asked journalists during his visit to the town of Sid on Thursday "whether this information was sent to Jeremic from the Qatari embassy in Berlin" and, "whether they sent him money once again or what - informed him about November 4?"

Jeremic, Brnabic discussion on Twitter (B92)

Leader of People’s Party (NS) Vuk Jeremic commented on Twitter, the statement Prime Minister Ana Brnabic made yesterday that Serbian Government does not have an official stand on Kosovo at this moment, B92 reported.

“A creature, who by set of extraordinary, unfortunate circumstances found herself at the helm of the Serbian Government, dared to say in relation to Kosovo “that we have no official stand on it now.” She recently told German media that “Kosovo used to be Serbia.” Shameless vermin,” Jeremic wrote on his Twitter profile.

Opposition alliance to be formally established in September (BETA, B92)

Opposition People's Party (NS) leader Vuk Jeremic says the Alliance for Serbia will be formally established in September.

Jeremic told Beta that opposition leaders will this month present a 30-point program of the Alliance for Serbia "in direct communication with citizens across the country" - and that they are "open to suggestions and willing to accept any good idea."