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Italy: A criminal group arrested, had contacts with “New KLA”(Kossev)

Carabinieri in Palermo arrested 17 people suspected of the transnational criminal smuggling of migrants and arms trafficking. The criminal organization had contacts with Cosa Nostra, to who it sold arms, but also with the „Albanian paramilitary group, the New KLA“ linked with jihadist circles,“ the Italian media reported. The criminal group had activities in Switzerland, Germany, Macedonia and Kosovo, too.

Thaci: Serbia has committed genocide in Kosovo; Djuric's case a provocation of the Serbian authorities (Blic)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci says in an interview with the Vienna daily Presse that the ''case'' of Marko Djuric was unnecessary and that something like this should not be repeated, and that he agreed with the President of Serbia about necessity of the agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, reports Belgrade based daily Blic.

- Djuric's case was unnecessary. It was the provocation of the Serbian authorities - claims Thaci.

Kuburovic: ''I'm afraid the court for the KLA crimes will remain a 'dead letter'''(KIM radio, Vecernje Novosti)

Serbian Justice Minister Nela Kuburovic expressed her fear that the KLA Special War Crimes Tribunal, on which the EU insists, would remain "a dead letter on paper", reports Serbian media.

"I am not sure how much that court will come to life at all, because for so long the indictments have been announced, but nothing is happening," Kuburovic told Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti, reports KIM Radio.

"Commanders of KLA zone responsible for journalist murder" (UNS, B92)

Two persons: B. S. and M. S, "apparently connected with the KLA", are mentioned in the documents of the UNMIK Missing Persons Unit.

They are mentioned under suspicion of involvement in the crime of the disappearance of Mr. Ljubomir Knezevic, the Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) is reporting on its website.

Knezevis was a journalist of the Pristina newspaper Jedinstvo and a correspondent of Politika.

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FETO organized Turkey coup, they're same as KLA - JS leader (Tanjug, B92)

United Serbia (JS) leader Dragan Markovic Palma said in Ankara that the coup attempt in Turkey was organized by FETO, which is the same as the KLA for Serbia.

According to him, when two years ago the attempted coup was organized in Turkey, Serbia was among the first countries to give support to the Turkish people and President Erdogan.

"This coup attempt was a terrorist act triggered by Gulen's terrorist organization FETO, and FETO is the same as the KLA ("Kosovo Liberation Army") in Kosovo and Metohija," Markovic says.

Vulin: Murders and attempts to abrogate court cause destabilization (RTS)

Serbian Minister of Defence, Aleksandar Vulin said that destabilization in Kosovo and Metohija is caused by murders such as the assassination of Oliver Ivanovic and attempts of Albanians to abrogate the Special Court and do not allow trials against KLA members for the war crimes against Serbs, RTS reported.

PM talks about "atmosphere of threats" preceding murder (B92, Radio Free Europe)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic says that her government will provide any possible assistance in investigating the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, B92 reports.

In an interview for Radio Free Europe in the wake of the killing of the Serb politician in Kosovo, Brnabic pointed out that if Serbia was not allowed to participate in the investigation, it would launch one of its own.

We have witnesses and evidence of KLA crimes (KIM radio)

There are evidences of KLA crimes, false are the claims that there are no witnesses, eyewitnesses of the crimes, claim members of families of kidnapped and killed in Kosovo, reports KIM radio.

"We have footage of camps with detained Serbs and members of the KLA who managed these camps, photographs, and witnesses who were the witnesses of the kidnapping or the suffering of Serbs, Roma and Albanians, directed by members of the KLA," they told the daily Vecernje Novosti.

Vulin: Threats from Pristina will endanger peace in the region (RTS)

Serbian Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin says that open threats with war and conflicts coming from Pristina's government officials will endanger peace in the entire region, responding to Daut Haradinaj's statement that the first arrest for the Special Court will again activate the former KLA, RTS reports.

Kuburovic: Special Court new chance for justice (RTS, Tanjug)

Serbian Justice Minister, Nela Kuburovic told RTS Serbia remains committed to achieving the justice for Serbian victims of the war crimes, pointing out that the Serbian victims did not find the justice before the international bodies.

Kuburovic made these remarks during the visit to the Memorial Room of Kosovo victims, adding that the first indictments at the Special Court for KLA crimes are expected at the beginning of the next year, RTS further reported.