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Drecun – Last attempt to prosecute KLA crimes (N1, B92)

B92 reported on the statement of the Chair of the Serbian Assembly Committee for Kosovo, Milovan Drecun, who said that the Special Court for KLA War Crimes is the last chance to prosecute crimes committed by KLA members.

He further said that the Working Group, established by the Assembly Committee gathered all the evidences related to the war crimes, responsible bodies in Serbia have, and they would be put on disposal to the Kosovo Special Prosecution.

Djuric: Yet another proof there is no justice in Kosovo (Tanjug)

The decision to set free mayor of Skenderaj/Srbica, Sami Lushtaku, indicted for the war crimes committed in Kosovo, indicates there is no justice, neither for Serbian nor for Albanian victims of the terror of the so-called KLA in Kosovo, stated Director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo, Marko Djuric.

Djuric also added such decision shows the policy of hiding the war crimes and monstrous acts under the carpet continues as it was done in the name of and for the sake of “Greater Albania” idea.

Kurti: Dialogue with Serbs, not Serbia (Danas, Blic)

Our priority will be dialogue with the Serbs from Kosovo, we have an economic and social plan for the northern municipalities of Kosovo and we are not against the Serbs, but Serbia is against us, said leader of the Self-Determination Movement Albin Kurti. Belgrade based daily Danas published a summary of Blic newspaper interview with Albin Kurti.

The previous dialogue held with Serbia in Brussels did not set any conditions for Serbia, and internal issues of Kosovo were discussed, which is why the outcome could not have been just, Kurti believes.

Details of statement by one of Haradinaj witnesses who died (B92)

After Daut Haradinaj threatened Serbs with ethnic cleansing if his brother Ramush was extradited to Serbia, Blic published the testimony of Kujtim Berisha.

Berisha, who was a refugee from Kosovo and a witness in the Hague Tribunal's war crimes case against Ramush Haradinaj, made his statement to investigators in Podgorica, Montenegro, on May 11, 2004.

Dacic to Thaci: KLA committed genocide against Serb people (B92, Tanjug)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci is "continuing with provocations," Serbian First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic observed on Wednesday.

According to Dacic, after "the debacle" of Thaci's idea to form the so-called Kosovo army, he is trying to "switch the domestic public's attention" to a different topic - a genocide lawsuit against Serbia.

War associations: We will be against those that oppose the army (Kosovapress)

The Association of the Families of KLA War Martyrs and the Association of KLA War Invalids issued a joint statement today calling on Kosovo’s institutions to take all the necessary steps to form the Kosovo Army. The statement notes: “There can be no independent country without an army and this is why Kosovo must have its army. There is no country in the world that does not rely its defense force on its army and Kosovo should do the same.

Danger of terrorist acts in Kosovo is now "high" (Serbian media)

Milovan Drecun said on Wednesday that "incidents cannot be ruled out" in the coming period, "due to the situation in Kosovo and Metohija."

The chairman of the Serbian National Assembly's Committee on Kosovo and Metohija said this particularly in view of the arrest of Ramush Haradinaj, adding that the danger of terrorist acts being carried out in Kosovo was "high."

KLA War Veterans gather at Ibar Bridge, not allowed to approach the wall (media)

Several news websites report that around 100 veterans of the former Kosovo Liberation Army have gathered today at the Ibar Bridge to express their opposition to the recent construction of the wall in Mitrovica North. Media are reporting that there is an increased police presence and that the war veterans are not allowed to approach the wall. An agreement has been reached meanwhile for only four representatives of the war veterans to approach the wall.

 MPs endorse draft-resolution for KLA (Kosovapress)

The draft-resolution prepared by heads of the parliamentary groups of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), has passed by 61 votes for with none against and 11 abstentions.

The resolution says that the Assembly of Kosovo pledges to endorse the Law on protection of the values of the Kosovo Liberation Army and its liberating war, within six months.

Drecun: Unilateral solutions cannot solve problems in Kosovo (RTS)

President of the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun says that he would like today's discussion on Trepča to be based on facts.

The Committee will be addressed by Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić, who will submit a report on the work of the office and inform the committee on the progress of the dialogue in Brussels.