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Albania’s vote for Palestinian flag at UN to aid Kosovo’s UNESCO bid (Koha)

Albania has voted in favour of raising the Palestinian flag outside the UN Headquarters in New York even though the US opposed the motion to allow nonmember observer states to raise their flags. Albania’s vote is believed to have been driven by Kosovo’s application for UNESCO membership as Tirana doesn’t want to cause sentiments against Kosovo with the Islamic countries ate a time when efforts to win as many votes as possible are well underway. Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama has informed President of Kosovo Atifete Jahjaga of the move.

Opposition calls for ratification of Brussels agreements by Kosovo Assembly (Koha)

Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) parliamentary group has requested in the meeting of the Kosovo Assembly commission for legislation the review of border demarcation agreement with Montenegro and the one on Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities with Serbia. AAK’s member in the commission, Donika Kadaj-Bujupi said the government of Kosovo is doing everything to prevent the Assembly from ratifying the above agreements but stressed that the Constitution requires this.

Jahajga: Thanks to Albania, Kosovo is part of many international initiatives (Koha)

Kosovo’s President, Atifete Jahjaga, met today in Tirana with Albania’s President, Bujar Nishani. “Thanks to Albania’s support, Kosovo is involved in regional summits and international initiatives. Albania has supported Kosovo's integration processes and accession to international institutions,” Jahajga said after the meeting. Jahjaga also stressed that with the agreements reached in the Pristina – Belgrade dialogue, Serba is moving towards recognition of Kosovo’s independence.

Haradinaj unhappy with border demarcation, resigns from Foreign Affairs Committee (Koha)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, resigned today from the Committee of Foreign Affairs, stating that this Committee has become a political instrument of Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and Deputy Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, and has lost its meaning and the role it should have.

Vetevendosje to oppose agreement on telephone code "by all means" (Koha)

The Vetevendosje Movement through a press release announced that it will oppose by all means the execution of the agreement on the telephone code that was signed between Kosovo and Serbia on 25 August. “Kosovo's path to obtain international telephone code is by applying for membership on the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in Geneva. This route does not pass through Belgrade nor through Vienna,” notes the press release. “ITU is a UN agency, same as UNESCO.

Pacolli blames Kosovo government for not respecting reciprocity measures against Serbia (Koha/RTK)

Despite announcements that the agreement on vehicle insurance between Pristina and Belgrade would be suspended by a decision of the Kosovo Insurance Bureau, vehicles with Serbia-issued license plates have continued to enter Kosovo in an unaffected way. The head of the Kosovo delegation in talks with Serbia on the insurance policies, Rrahim Pacolli, said that someone from the Kosovo government has prevented the suspension of the agreement.

Haradinaj: EU is being unsuccessful in the Balkans (Koha)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, during a political round table with the theme "Building the Albanian-Serb relations" held in Mitrovica today, said that it is urgent the mutual recognition of Kosovo and Serbia. Any delay in this process, according to him, is creating a vacuum and numerous misunderstandings. Haradinaj said that the international community can play a crucial role on this process.  He also added that the European Union is proving to be unsuccessful in the Balkans.

MoJ: Law on special court drafted and translated by EU (Koha)

Ministry of Justice issued a statement explaining that the final version of the law on specialist chambers and the office of specialist prosecutor has been drafted and translated into Albanian and Serbian by the European Union. The Minister of Justice, meanwhile, has chaired the technical group set up by President Atifete Jahjaga to review the legislation drafted by the EU.

President wants to lead Kosovo delegation to New York (Koha)

While the Kosovo Assembly was voting on the constitutional amendments paving way for the establishment of the special court, Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa received a letter from President Atifete Jahjaga which angered him and his deputy, Hashim Thaci, a great deal. In the letter President Jahjaga said that based on her constitutional responsibilities, she had decided to lead the Kosovo delegation travelling to New York in end of September to take part at a series of events part of the UN General Assembly week.