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Kosovo’s membership at INTERPOL, unacceptable for Serbia (RTK)

Head of Serbia’s Parliamentarian Commission for Kosovo, Milovan Drecun, said that Kosovo’s efforts for membership at Interpol, are unacceptable for the Serbian state.

“It is unacceptable to us for a self-proclaimed state to become member of Interpol. Eventual membership at Interpol would give them a short access to pressing charges and putting them directly into power, without mediation from UNMIK,” Drecun said.

About Kosovo membership to Interpol on 26 September (Insajder)

Kosovo Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa and Minister of Internal Affairs, Skender Hyseni are optimistic that Kosovo would join Interpol at the event scheduled for 26 September in Beijing, Serbian informative portal Insajder reported yesterday late in the afternoon.

PM Mustafa said he has received invitation to attend the Interpol Assembly as a Prime Minister, where Kosovo membership to Interpol is on the agenda and he hopes it will happen (that Kosovo becomes a member).

Vulin: It matters to us that Kosovo is not member of UNESCO and Interpol (Tanjug, Kontakt plus radio)

It is up to authorities in Macedonia, to lead the politics of their country, but they should know it matters to us very much that Kosovo is not a member of UNESCO and Interpol, said Serbian Minister of Defence, Aleksandar Vulin, Tanjug news agency reported.

Vulin further added, that all countries that know that, also understand that mutual relations “are to the great extent based on it”.

“We have to take care of our own interests and about it that our friends should act that way,” he said.

Vulin: Russia to prevent entry of Kosovo to Interpol (Danas)

Serbian Minster of Defence, Aleksandar Vulin thanked Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Chepurin, on the principled position of Russia toward Kosovo and asked the Ambassador, that Moscow, as it was the case so far, does its utmost to prevent entry of Kosovo to Interpol, Danas daily reported.

The two officials also spoke about current military co-operation between the two countries.

Djuric: Pristina is trying to strengthen independence through memberships (media)

The Director for Kosovo at the Serbian Government, Marko Djuric, told Serbian media that official Pristina does not want membership at UNESCO or INTERPOL for cultural heritage or war against crime, but due to the fact that they are part of the process of strengthening their independence.

He said that INTERPOL General Committee has received Kosovo’s request for membership however he added, the one that decides to fight for a rightful cause always finds space to maneuver therefore engagement is unquestionable.

Djuric: Serbia to do everything to prevent Pristina's Interpol bid (Tanjug, TV Pink, KIM Radio)

Serbia will do its utmost to prevent Kosovo's membership in Interpol, said the director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo, Marko Djuric.

"Kosovo and Metohija is now represented in Interpol through the organs of Serbia and through UNMIK. If there is a criminal who should be detained from the territory of Kosovo, that issue has already been resolved," Djuric told TV Pink.

He pointed out that "a desire to confirm sovereignty as an independent state" is behind Pristina's request for admission to that international organization.

Kosovo government approves Interpol membership bid (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo government in today’s meeting approved in principle Interpol membership bid. Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj said all necessary measures were undertaken to secure support for Kosovo’s membership during Interpol’s General Assembly session in September. “Of 190 countries, we need the support of 110 for Kosovo to become member of Interpol.

Kosovo’s Interpol bid: Interior Minister Hyseni travels to New York (RTK)

Kosovo’s Interior Minister, Skender Hyseni, is in New York to lobby for Kosovo’s membership to Interpol. Hyseni is expected meet a number of permanent representatives from UN member states. Yesterday, Hyseni met representatives from Uruguay, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, and Senegal and he is reported to have received support for Kosovo’s Interpol membership.

Dacic: Kosovo will not become UNESCO member, but it will join Interpol (Danas, Zeri)

Serbia’s Foreign Minister, Ivica Dacic, said that the situation with Kosovo’s membership at Interpol is more complicated than UNESCO membership. It is clear that Kosovo does not have more than two thirds of votes for UNESCO membership,” he said.

He added that he would meet on Friday with Minister of Internal Affairs, Nebojsa Stefanovic, to discuss Kosovo’s membership at Interpol, being that the problem stands on jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.