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AAK, NISMA ready to renegotiate Association/Community (Telegrafi)

The news site covers a joint press conference held today by Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), and Fatmir Limaj, leader of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA). Haradinaj said that Serbia’s interference in Kosovo and the bad governance are two of the most pressing issues in Kosovo. Haradinaj and Limaj stated that the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities should be renegotiated after the findings of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo that the agreement is not fully in line with the Constitution.

AAK: Agreement on Association should be rewritten (Indeksonline)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), did not welcome the proposal of Kosovo's President, Hashim Thaçi to establish a special commission for the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. Muharrem Nitaj, senior member of the AAK, said on Wednesday that a special commission cannot produce something that is in violation with Kosovo’s Constitution.

Opposition parties firm on border demarcation deal (Telegrafi)

Opposition parties seem likely to stand firm in their determination to oppose the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro despite the European Commission's (EC) position that its ratification is a condition for visa liberalization. Vetevendosje MP, Albulena Haxhiu, said that this condition is unjust and added that such a demand was not imposed on other countries of the region before granting their visa liberalization. “We are not ready to make compromises with our territory”, said Haxhiu.

AAK: People of Kosovo deserve to be treated equally to other Europeans (Koha)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) issued a statement on Europe Day saying the people of Kosovo deserve to be equal to other European people and that they should not be penalized because of “irresponsible governments”. On this day, said the AAK, “we have no way not to be dissatisfied with development trends as a precondition for Kosovo’s full membership in EU”. AAK stressed that the fight against corruption and organised crime remain two main challenges for Kosovo institutions.


NISMA chairman in Drenas/Glogovac resigns (RTKLive)

The Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) chairman in Drenas/Glogovac branch, Izet Ibrahimi, has resigned from the party today. Along with the resignation of Ibrahim, also the council members of NISMA in Drenas/Glogovac, gave irrevocable resignation from the party. The resignation notes that NISMA branch in Drenas/Glogovac disagrees with the decision of this party to enter a coalition with the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK).

Molliqaj: Haradinaj does not possess purity or wisdom to overthrow the regime (Gazeta Express)

Dardan Molliqaj from Vetevendosje movement, spoke about the problems with the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), and its leader, Ramush Haradinaj. Speaking for the public broadcaster RTK, Molliqaj said that Ramush Haradinaj cannot lead the “Alternative” list, being that he does not possess the purity nor wisdom to bring down what he calls “regime.”

Vetevendosje Spokesperson: AAK and NISMA should stop flirting with the government (Indeksonline)

The Spokesperson of the Vetevendosje movement, Frasher Krasniqi appealed to the two opposition parties, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), to stop flirting with the governing coalition.

Krasniqi also called during a press conference on the AAK and NISMA, to join them in the protest against the government. He said that vagueness and differences should be clarified by Ramush Haradinaj’s and Fatmir Limaj’s parties.

Haxhiu calls AAK and NISMA hypocrites (Kosovapress)

Vetevendosje movement MP, Albulena Haxhiu, accused on her Facebook page the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA). Even though she did not mention these two parties, Haxhiu’s reaction came after the statements of the officials of AAK and NISMA that they do not have any red lines with regards to the governing coalitions.

Kadrijaj: AAK will not enter a coalition with ruling parties (Klan Kosova)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) MP Time Kadrijaj spoke to Klan Kosova about the participation of opposition representatives in the meeting of the parliamentary commission on European integration. Kadrijaj said the opposition is determined to continue boycott of the Kosovo Assembly sessions and its commissions but when it comes to major issues, it is ready to provide its contribution. “We returned as the establishment of this commission was important,” said Kadrijaj.