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Veseli: Trepca issue is over (Lajmi)

The President of the Assembly of Kosovo spoke today during a  visit to the children who are following education programs for democracy, about the visit of the Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanović in Brussels. Stojanović is meeting European Union officials and discussing Trepca Law endorsed by Kosovo Assembly on 8 October. Based on Serbian media, he is considering this Law to be harmful. However, Veseli did not seem concerned about these meetings. “Trepca issue is over.

Lekaj optimistic that MPs will agree on visa liberalisation declaration (Indeksonline)

The Kosovo Assembly’s foreign affairs committee will meet today at 15:00 to discuss the final version of the declaration on visa liberalisation for Kosovo that will be sent to the European Union. Pal Lekaj, head of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) parliamentary group, said this is a good opportunity to convince the EU that the demarcation with Montenegro should be concluded with political and peaceful means. “The process of demarcation should in no way ruin our good relations with Montenegro,” Lekaj said.

Bulliqi: Joint declaration on visa liberalisation safeguards Kosovo’s territorial integrity (Indeksonline)

Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) MP Shpejtim Bulliqi welcomed today the idea of a joint declaration by the Kosovo Assembly to Brussels on visa liberalisation for Kosovo. Bulliqi, who is the biggest opponent from the ruling coalition to the current border delineation agreement with Montenegro, said the initiative would unblock the process and create room for renegotiations on the border demarcation agreement.

Veseli: Serbian List will return, there is no reason for boycott (media)

Kosovo Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, commented today on the Serbian List’s decision to suspend their participation in institutions after the Assembly adopted the law on the Trepca mining complex. Veseli said the Serbian List will soon return to the Assembly and that there is no reason for boycott. Asked about the eventual return of Serb ministers in the government, Veseli said: “officially they have not returned yet, but we have contacts. They have their political position but I believe this situation will soon improve and they will return”.

UNMIK informed Kosovo Police about Thaçi’s arrest (RTK)

Deputy Director of the Kosovo Police, Naim Rexha, is reporting on Nehat Thaçi’s arrest to the Kosovo Assembly Committee for internal affairs, security and supervision of the Kosovo Security Force.

“On 28 September, at around 00:10, a person reported the case of the arrest of the official Nehat Thaçi during his entrance in Serbia. According to him, the lieutenant-colonel crossed the border at 20:10 hours.

Osmani: Invite SLS in the Government, remove Serbian List from the coalition (Indeksonline)

Kosovo Assembly MP from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Vjosa Osmani, advised the government to breach the coalition with the Serbian List and replace it with the other Serb party Serbian Liberal Party (SLS), which currently has five MPs at the Assembly.

“Parties like the Serbian List should not be part of the government” (Indeksonline)

The news website notes that opposition parties in Kosovo and political analysts have continuously criticised the position of the Serbian List vis-à-vis the state and institutions of Kosovo, some even arguing that parties that don’t recognise Kosovo’s independence should not be part of the central government.

Serbian List’s boycott does not threaten ruling coalition (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo Assembly President Kadri Veseli commented today on the decision of the Serbian List to suspend participation in the Kosovo Assembly and the Government to protest against the approval of a law on Trepca mining complex. Veseli said that the boycott represents no threats to the ruling coalition but advised against such practice as “it does not contribute to the work of the Assembly”.  At the same time, the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) parliamentary group chief, Ismet Beqiri, said the Serbian List needs to learn not to blackmail Kosovo.

AN extraordinary session for Nehat Thaçi, tomorrow (media)

The Presidency of the Assembly of Kosovo has decided during the today’s meeting to hold an extraordinary session on Tuesday. Serbia’s arrest of the Kosovo Police senior official, Nehat Thaçi, will be the only point of the agenda to be discussed at tomorrow’s Assembly’s session.

The session, initiated by the independent MP Gëzim Kelmendi, will start at 14:00 hours.