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''UK to create its own Serbian List'' and ''Sheholli to sue Vecernje Novosti'' (Vecernje Novosti, Kossev)

Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti today in an bombastic article with the headline '' UK to create its own Serbian list '' says that ''the British secret agents are working on preparing a ground for the party that would be a counterpart to the strongest option of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija,'' adding that more prominent compatriots will be recruited, and that a plan is implemented by Fatmir Sheholi.

Vecernje Novosti write that the security service learned this information.

German ambassador on „Kosovoschwitz“ performance: The parallel is over the line and disgusting, read history books! (Kossev)

The German Ambassador to Kosovo, Christian Heldt reacted to today’s “Kosovoschwitz” performance of students from the University of Pristina held in North Mitrovica. Heldt said that the parallel that these students drew between the present situation and the Holocaust is „over the line“ and „disgusting“.

The students’ performance was organized in protest to Pristina’s tax increase on imports of products from Serbia and the arrest of three Serbs suspected of being involved with the murder of Oliver Ivanovic.

Fatherland Movement: Protests resemble requiem not demonstration (KoSSev)

Fatherland Movement from Kosovo and Metohija said in a press release that everyday protests organized by the Srpska Lista Crisis Headquarters in the north are “without energy, dispirit and apathic,” KoSSev portal reports.

They urged Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic “not to hide behind the Serbs’ protests,” but to introduce reciprocity and that way fights against Pristina’s decision to increase taxes.

Reactions to Srpska Lista waiting for Hahn: “They are shifting the public focus from the arrest of those suspected of killing Oliver Ivanovic” (Kossev)

Srpska Lista MPs have been in the Kosovo Assembly since yesterday waiting for the arrival of European Commissioner Johannes Hahn in order to inform him about Pristina’s „anti-Serb moves“ that are leading toward „a humanitarian catastrophe“ of the Serbian people in Kosovo.

They are protesting against the 100% custom taxes imposed on Serbian products arriving into Kosovo. Hahn does not have an officially scheduled meeting with them.

Milan Radoicic: I will not surrender, I am not murderer (KoSSev)

“If the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are wondering where I am, I will only tell them I am close and that I am waiting and watching, because none of us are backing down and the victory will be ours in the end, with no doubt,“ Srpska Lista conveyed the words of its Vice-President, Milan Radoicic in a press release, which was not sent to KoSSev, the portal reports

However, Milan Radoicic confirmed himself the authenticity of this press release in a short statement for KoSSev: „Personally mine,“ – he said.

Kosovo bans the import of products with the inscription ''Kosovo and Metohija'' (Kossev)

More than a week after the introduction of a 10% tax increase on products from Serbia and Bosnia and Hercegovina, the Kosovo government made a decision to completely ban imports of some products from Serbia. Kosovo Trade and Industry Minister, Endrit Shala also made a decision that the trade inspection should not allow the import and sale of products imported into Kosovo with the inscription ‘’Kosovo and Metohija“, „Kosovo UNMIK“ or „Kosovo Resolution 1244“.

Raskovic Ivic in an open letter to Vucic: I urge you not to go to Paris (KoSSev)

A Serbian deputy, Sanda Raskovic-Ivic sent an open letter to the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, calling on him to cancel his attendance of the anniversary of the end of the First World War in Paris, which will show that Serbia will not accept blackmail, humiliation and a revision of history.

See more at:

Kosovo war veteran admits killing Serbs (N1, Kossev, Kontakt plus radio, KIM radio)

All Serbian media quoted yesterday and today a Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) veteran admitting in public that he had killed Serbian soldiers.

“I killed Serbian soldiers every chance I had. I am telling my family that I am sorrty that I did not kill as many as I would have liked. I am sorry that they killed my comrades but I am glad that I killed Serbs,” KLA veterans’ spokesman Nasim Haradinaj told a Pristina TV station.

Serb house demolished in Kosovo (N1, Kossev)

A family house near the southern Kosovo town of Prizren was broken in and completely demolished, the KoSSev website reported on Wednesday.

The house belonging to Dragoslav Petrovic and his family have been targeted several times in the past, the website said. Kosovo police were informed about the incident.
The perpetrators are reported to have broken the door to the house, destroyed the furniture, walls and floor, while family photos were scattered around the house. The home saint icon was also broken.

Capussela’s 4 points on Thaci and Mogherini: Why didn’t the Special Court issue an indictment? (Kossev)

“1) The EU set up a special war-crimes court; 2) Thaci is an obvious suspect; 3) Federica Mogherini and Johannes Hahn want the land swap that Thaci advocated; 4) Federica Mogherini chose the court’s judges and prosecutors. Can 1-4 contribute to explaining why the court hasn’t yet indicted anyone?” – the former head of the economics unit in the International Civilian Office in Kosovo, Andrea Lorenzo Capussela, posted on his Facebook page last night.